Mailing BP revolvers

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I ve shipped/received a lot. Some things I ve encounered,- Refusal to ship to CA citing Proposition 65, Refusing to ship from a state that disallows distinction between BP and regulated handguns.

In the above cases I was able to provide proof to the contrary 1- Prop 65 didn t pertain. 2- Interstate commerce protected.

Sometimes only the agreement to ship from/to an FFL aleviated their fears.
I ve shipped/received a lot. Some things I ve encounered,- Refusal to ship to CA citing Proposition 65, Refusing to ship from a state that disallows distinction between BP and regulated handguns.

In the above cases I was able to provide proof to the contrary 1- Prop 65 didn t pertain. 2- Interstate commerce protected.

Sometimes only the agreement to ship from/to an FFL aleviated their fears.
You have demonstrated there are many exceptions, right or wrong, to what "should" be that you confirmed why I still cling to the Click 'n Ship. No hassle. Works.
I ship my percussion guns UPS and never had problems. Breech loaders are a different BATF category, a different forum and I have no clue.
Figured I would ask here on this one... I sold a bp sheriff online and the purchaser is in NJ. Can I legally ship a bp revolver to them? I am in Texas and I purchase my regular firearms online and have them sent through my local ffl. So I have received usps, ups, and fed ex shipments...
Figured I would ask here on this one... I sold a bp sheriff online and the purchaser is in NJ. Can I legally ship a bp revolver to them? I am in Texas and I purchase my regular firearms online and have them sent through my local ffl. So I have received usps, ups, and fed ex shipments...
You can not legally ship a black powder revolver to an individual in NJ it would have to go through an FFL.
That’s nuts! I have been reading the laws there and that are extremely draconian! It’s insane that this area is where our country started and now they are one of the most restrictive! And this isn’t even a ffl item! In Texas technically my daughter could buy one of these! I don’t understand it at all.
I was told no handguns of ANY type on USPS property, PERIOD- mailing, carrying, even in cars....this was per the postmaster, the most pro gun guy I’ve met! You could take a chance on mailing them, but BATF at any time could come knocking. Who the hell knows!
The point many are missing is a cap and ball revolver is NOT classified as a Firearm. Nor is any muzzle loading gun.

Point 2, I've shipped and received many BP pistols and long guns, None sent thru a FFL. Most went thru USPS, no issues. As stated the Flat rate box is your friend, even when adding insurance I've never been asked what's in the box.

Point 3, when I've shipped a BP arm the USPS HAS NEVER ASKED WHAT'S IN THE BOX? They say the line they say 1000 times a day, is it fragile perishable toxic explosive or lithium batteries... and I say No.

Years ago in Criminal Court Prep class they asked us if we knew the time. Those who said yes and those who gave the time were most popular. Our instructor, a retired DA, said everyone who gave the time would lose in court. Because they gave more info than asked. That's been almost 30yrs and i still remember it plainly. I think it's relevant here.

Point 4, the USPS worker's are unliked, cussed, overworked, allowed 3 breaks a day to go pee, stand all day long and have a lot of power deciding if you can ship your package. Do you really wanna tick them off by being an ass?

As a Cop the most common question asked me was how to talk my way out of a ticket.
My standard answer was I've had very few talk their way Out of a ticket, but Many who talked their way INTO a ticket.

Things to consider.
While the issue has been well covered by others already, one element involved has been overlooked. People. UPS, FedEx and USPS all seem to be heavily staffed with people who do not know the rules regarding muzzle loaders or antique firearms. If they hear the word "gun" they freak. Your best bet is to avoid those people. I have had excellent luck using USPS Click 'n Ship. No need to declare contents. Prepare mailing label in your computer, put package on porch and the mail guy/gal picks it up. Simple and no hassle.
As Dad used to say, "Say nobody to nothing" about it and ship it. Now, are you breaking a law if you ship a "non-firearm" to an state like New Jersey or only the guy receiving it breaking the law by accepting the package? Can the states restrict what the USPS or an Interstate Carrier delivers? Just wondering....and I thought Maryland was bad.
That’s nuts! I have been reading the laws there and that are extremely draconian! It’s insane that this area is where our country started and now they are one of the most restrictive! And this isn’t even a ffl item! In Texas technically my daughter could buy one of these! I don’t understand it at all.

Nobody forces folks to live in that state, they made the choice and they get to live with it.

Mail on and be happy.
I spoke to an ffl in NJ and he said that they treat black powder and even BB guns as ffl firearms... apparently you have to have a firearm ID card then you also have to have some pistol permit along with it. I am going to reach out to the local guys that process all of their applications for these tomorrow to see if it makes any difference since I’m out of state shipping it to them.... but it probably won’t.
Nobody forces folks to live in that state, they made the choice and they get to live with it.

Mail on and be happy.
What an odd statement! !
I can`t recall ever hearing of anyone country deciding where to be born, state or country.
Now after the fact and a few years on ,

where to live is an entirely different case.

Nobody forces folks to live in that state, they made the choice and they get to live with it.

"where to live is an entirely different case."

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