I've spent the last 4 days fitting the barrel bands to the forearm. Well actually, 3 - 4 hours per day - it gets too hot in the afternoon lately. So I finally have the 2 bands fitted. Here's a couple of photos:
I partially fitted the buttplate last week:
And I bought another Jenks last week - it's missing the lock though & the nipple is just a stub. I'm soaking the nipple in a mixture of transmission fluid & acetone. It is dissolving the rust though. The missing lock was the Remington made model that had a Maynard cap box mounted under the hammer. Remington made these Jenks carbines in 1847, but they only made 1000 of them.
Here's a photo:
This is what the lock plate is suppose to look like:
later, Mike
I partially fitted the buttplate last week:
And I bought another Jenks last week - it's missing the lock though & the nipple is just a stub. I'm soaking the nipple in a mixture of transmission fluid & acetone. It is dissolving the rust though. The missing lock was the Remington made model that had a Maynard cap box mounted under the hammer. Remington made these Jenks carbines in 1847, but they only made 1000 of them.
Here's a photo:
This is what the lock plate is suppose to look like:
later, Mike
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