MAP for barrel cleaning

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Being new, and looking for advice, I should have skipped this topic -Haha.
Seriously, tried Ballistol/alcohol/Hydrogen Peroxide - because I saw it in a video, but that's expensive.

I'm going to try the windshield washer fluid, and maybe some alcohol mixed in.
Hmmmmmm.... peroxide! An oxidizer.
Not when it's mixed with the alcohol (70% to 91% isopropyl alcohol) and Murphy's soap. Stumpy explained the chemical reasoning why many years ago and I don't remember what they were. You might be able to use the search to find it. I can tell you I've used MAP for the last 20-years or so in my longrifles and it's cleaned them very nicely without any rust. It works GREAT!
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Equal parts of Murphy's Oil Soap, Rubbing Alcohol, and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Easy way to do that without laboriously measuring it out is buy a 48-oz or larger plastic container and then buy a 16-oz bottle of all the ingredients. If you can't find the 16-oz bottle of Murphy's, go ahead and get the quart size. Then take the alcohol bottle and mark the outside at the level of the alcohol inside the unopened bottle. Then pour the alcohol into your 48-oz container and then use the marked alcohol bottle to measure out your Murphy's Oil Soap and pour that in. Then finally add the Hydrogen Peroxide.

I've used MAP to clean my longrifles for over 20-years now and it works GREAT with no rust.
When you guys mix up your MAP cleaner do you mix it as needed or have it already mixed ready and sitting on the shelf ready
I mix up a 48-oz batch because I can just dump a pint of each ingredient in there, shake it up well, and it's done! Then I pour about 12-oz. in a glass bottle with a cork sealing it and put that in the shooting box I take with me to reenactments.
Being new, and looking for advice, I should have skipped this topic -Haha.
Seriously, tried Ballistol/alcohol/Hydrogen Peroxide - because I saw it in a video, but that's expensive.

I'm going to try the windshield washer fluid, and maybe some alcohol mixed in.
The winter blend windshield washer fluid already is mostly alcohol so it doesn’t freeze.
WWF and a little Murphy's works well too. Only thing I find is it is a bit sticky on your fingers when working with it. I just keep a damp towel to wipe my hands.
Cool water.

ALL soaps have some tiny amount of salt in 'em
I cleaned three of my muzzleloaders after shooting yesterday. Remove the nipples clean out grub screws on two of them then HOT water in a bowl , barrel upended in the bowl and a wet patch suctioned up and down until the water coming out the nipple hole is clean, examine the patch, if it’s no longer dirty, dry patches, job done. scrub the nipple in warm water with a nylon gun brush then the secret! pliksters the kind used between teeth. They come in a variety of sizes perfect for the nipple flash hole. finish with a quality gun oil inside and out. Inspect after 3 or 4 days. Never had a barrel rust
Not when it's mixed with the alcohol (70% to 91% isopropyl alcohol) and Murphy's soap. Stumpy explained the chemical reasoning why many years ago and I don't remember what they were. You might be able to use the search to find it. I can tell you I've used MAP for the last 20-years or so in my longrifles and it's cleaned them very nicely without any rust. It works GREAT!
Bs I mixed a batch years ago advised by another skirmisher got a drop of the mix on my new 63 Shiloh sharps now I have a star shape eaten thru the blueing. No thanks I’ll stuck w water and dish soap
Hot tap water piped into the muzzle through 1/8" auto brake line and a little plastic tubing from a laundry sink. Hot tap water thoroughly scrubs the breach face , heats up the barrel warm to the touch in and out , so it drys quickly. Dump out excess water , a couple patches with a squirt or two of Balistol , or WD , so the patches don't stick in a dry barrel. Put the muzzle down if your shooting next day. ,or load up and shoot Immediately w/ a clean barrel. No cleaning chemicals needed.
Let’s go boys, 7more pages of this nonsense.
This kind of thread is like flies on bulls#+t.
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Love this thread.... I use Ballisol and water and dawn for moose milk. Can field clean with it. Hot water clean is my favorite. Also not kidding at all, formula 409 is pretty amazing for cleaning. Follow with hot water and when dry pure ballisol. But now kidding.....I am also thinking you could bet people that horse pass and vinegar mixed with stump water is the best!
Luv'ing it, been gone from M/L for many years, glad to see we are still talking about the same things. It's good to be back ... p.s. I use warm water and dish soap to clean.

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