Who told you that Beeswax is a " Petroleum Based Product"???? Sorry, it isn't. Its about as natural a product as you can find, other than honey.
Mixing Beeswax with vegetable oils makes a good patch lube. This includes the common vegetable oils used to cook, corn oil, olive oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, cottonseed oil, etc.
Mineral oil, the basis for " Ballistol", is a highly processed by-product of petroleum production, and, technically, is also a Petroleum based Oil. However, probably because its so highly processed, it does not require such a high flash point to burn, compared to petroleum oils, nor does it leave behind the tars and gummy residues that regular petroleum oils will when fired in a MLer. :hmm: :thumbsup:
P.S. Now, paraffin wax is a different animal than Beeswax. It is a petroleum product, and makes for a " smokey candle". When mixed with vegetable oils, it does not make as good as lube as will beeswax. Its too brittle in its grain structure.