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69 Cal.
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
This looks like a pretty nice gun for the money.

it is, i have one that i got from middlesex village trading co.; goes boom nicely, and well made; demonstrated it for the scouts.
I know I'm a year late on this particular post, but I was looking at this same musket and have wondered how one would drill the touch hole if the pan is soldered to the barrel? Would the touch hole be drilled high or at an angle? Or is there a way of removing the pan without needing to re-solder it?
The touch hole does best if level with the top edge of the pan, maybe a tad higher, so I don't think you'd have to go at it from much of an angle.
The MVTC versions are already drilled, though they cost a bit more. As arquebus said, the touchhole should sit centered right on top of the pan, so I'd imagine you could drill straight across, using the top surface of the pan as a guide.
:v Ya know I would take that picture and send it to John Buck and see what his cost would be for a FIRING version. I have a particular aversion to paying good bucks for a gun and then I have to pay someone to make it work.It's like paying $900 for a S & W Model 41 target pistol and then sending it back to S & W to have more work done to make it work well in competition. :bull: :thumbsup:

:v Ya know I would take that picture and send it to John Buck and see what his cost would be for a FIRING version. I have a particular aversion to paying good bucks for a gun and then I have to pay someone to make it work.It's like paying $900 for a S & W Model 41 target pistol and then sending it back to S & W to have more work done to make it work well in competition. :bull: :thumbsup:

I agree with you 100%! Mr. Buck builds them right and for the right price! Plus if you want something a little different (i.e. like a rifled barrel, combination lock, etc) it is possible with him.

I'm giddy with anticipation since he told me that I'll be getting my newest Musket from him late November\early December. :stir:

Slowmatch Forever!
How Many of them do you have by now? Since I have overcome my fear of putting a burning match in the jaws of the dog, I am really starting to love the 'Lively Bounce'.

How Many of them do you have by now? Since I have overcome my fear of putting a burning match in the jaws of the dog, I am really starting to love the 'Lively Bounce'.

This one is the Flintlock\Matchlock combination lock Musket. John told me that he enjoyed making this Musket so much that he is making one for himself. He also told me that he is planning on making this lock design on a semi-production basis.


That being said, I did shoot one of his earlier built Matchlocks (Hildegarde) this past weekend. I've had her for nine years and wouldn't trade even one of John's earlier (and not as nice as his current arms) Matchlocks for an Indian made arm.


Slowmatch Forever!
haha :grin:
actually I believe the technical name is a Vauban lock, after Louis XIV's top military engineer who invented (or at least popularised it).
Also invented the ring mounted bayonette :hatsoff:

haha :grin:
actually I believe the technical name is a Vauban lock, after Louis XIV's top military engineer who invented (or at least popularised it).
Also invented the ring mounted bayonette :hatsoff:

Yeah, that's the lock! I am having my musket based on a Louis XIV arm.

Slowmatch Forever!
Thanks for the proper terminology, benvenuto. :thumbsup: I just thought "flatchlock" sounded kinda funny. :haha: Though the whole lock is pretty ingenious, I particularly like the seperate pan cover atop the lower part of the frizzen. :thumbsup:
Hello All

I inquired about Johns "rope guns" and at those prices I can buy a very nice 1903 Springfield or
maybe even a semi Thompson,just my .02$

I've never seen a muzzleloading 1903 Springfield or semi Thompson. Do they come in matchlock versions? Got any photos? Or is this one of those apples versus oranges comparisons? :v
Russ T Frizzen said:
I've never seen a muzzleloading 1903 Springfield or semi Thompson. Do they come in matchlock versions? Got any photos? Or is this one of those apples versus oranges comparisons? :v

Good point. I had a guy at the range yesterday tell me there's no way he would spend $600 or more on a musket when they would probably never shoot better than 6" groups at 50 yards. He had a nice Savage, which undoubtedly was far more accurate than my Brown Bess was, but I've already got about a half dozen very accurate bolt action rifles so why do I need another one? Sometimes you want variety even if it costs a little too much or doesn't perform as well as something more modern.

I let him shoot it anyway and he had one hell of a grin on his face afterward.

I inquired about Johns "rope guns" and at those prices I can buy a very nice 1903 Springfield or maybe even a semi Thompson,just my .02$

Considering that this is a thread about Matchlocks and not 20th Century arms, that point is moot.

All Muzzleloaders have gone up in price recently. The question is what price are you willing to pay for a Matchlock. In this case, you get what you pay for.

Unfortunately some of the good Matchlock builders like Jurgen Kreckle and Dale Shinn have retired this decade.:(

Slowamtch Forever!
nkvd said:
Hello All

I inquired about Johns "rope guns" and at those prices I can buy a very nice 1903 Springfield or
maybe even a semi Thompson,just my .02$


That's assuming you want him to build you one just like the one above (or very similar). I too recently had a conversation with John and I can tell you he can build you a really nice, earlier style matchlock (not a tiny pistol or anything, either, but an actual shoulder-fired matchlock longarm)for substantially less. In fact, one priced similarly to or even lower than the MH Indian version in question. John struck me as being extremely willing to work with a person and build whatever gun fits their taste and budget. Heck, I called him while he was in the middle of dinner, and he still shot the breeze with me for half an hour. Now, that's customer service! :haha: If you're seriously wanting a matchlock, give him another call and see what the two of you can come up with. :thumbsup:
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