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Military Heritage Weapons

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nkvd said:
Hello All
I inquired about Johns "rope guns" and at those prices I can buy a very nice 1903 Springfield or maybe even a semi Thompson,just my .02$


Now my hackles are up! :cursing: While I will give you the desirability of those pieces. You are talking about a custom handbuilt firearm verus mass production. This would be a piece built specifically for you, not just one of hundreds or tens of thousands. I see such a statement as a personal affront to John craftsmanship.

If memory serves, John has made pieces for Jamestown, Williamsburg, and other National and State Parks. The pieces in the movie "New World" were John's craftmanship. And how many of his pieces grace personal posessions, only John may know.

Opinions are like spinchters, everyone has one, and some are full of fecal matter.


Maybe if it was a custom made fowler with a hand made lock and stock with intricate parts that a lock includes,for which a rope gun does not last time I looked at one.And I don't care if he's made rope gun's for the "Sutan Of Bruni" or the
"Smithsonian" I don't care to spend $700-900 on a rope gun but should pres.Barry solve our eco crisis someday maybe Johnnies rope guns will seem like a give away price but until then:

"Whatever" :nono: Rob
nkvd said:

Maybe if it was a custom made fowler with a hand made lock and stock with intricate parts that a lock includes,for which a rope gun does not last time I looked at one.And I don't care if he's made rope gun's for the "Sutan Of Bruni" or the
"Smithsonian" I don't care to spend $700-900 on a rope gun but should pres.Barry solve our eco crisis someday maybe Johnnies rope guns will seem like a give away price but until then:

"Whatever" :nono: Rob
It is probably a waste of time to reply to your post since you don't seem to even know who our President or President-Elect is. In any case, John's matchlocks do use handmade locks and stocks and are of the finest quality. Any knowledgeable muzzleloader would know this and know that they are well worth the price being asked. Have a nice day.
nkvd said:

Maybe if it was a custom made fowler with a hand made lock and stock with intricate parts that a lock includes.

Such a gun could easily set you back a couple grand or more, compared to the $700-800 for one of John's midrange matchlocks, which do include handmade locks, stocks, and various other parts/furniture. I'm not sure why you think John's prices are so outrageous, but referring to him as "Johnnie" is just smart alecky and low class. :shake:

Woops. Russ beat me to it. :redface: :hatsoff:
I don`t know if I should say anything but i`m sorry if my thread went the wrong way. I ran across that web site and was just wondering about the quality of the gun. I agree that Johns guns are superb and being hand made would be the way to go for the money.
That flint matchlock is quite the something alright. :bow: :thumbsup:
pitchy, i dont think u should be sayin sorry, i have seen those arms sold by Military Heritage Weapons and i would think they wouldnt be selling them if they were manure, they may be foreign made but its each to there own. i would have bought one if i had the money and i would recommend them to anyone.
like wise with john buck, i wish i had seen one of those arms built by him, and i dont think "nkvd" should be going off on john, like "claypipe" said.. these are hand made guns, and not "factory run" models. the fact he has made all aspects of matchlocks and then progressed onto other arms like a wheellock and stands by his workmanship, in my books :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hatsoff: ,

if he has no apreaciation of handmade craftsmanship he should be quiet....
Yep, Pitchy, yer nothin' but a common troublemaker! It just takes a while for the trouble to start (original post was 10/1/07). :haha: :blah:

If you still have any interest in the original musket in question, check this out: MVTC Matchlock. Not a whole lot of info, but it does show some guys firing one. Looks like fun. :hatsoff:
That`s me, a day late and a dollar short. :haha:
Ran accross that company one day and was just wondering if they were any good.
I`m not in the market for one as I have a Pitchy musket. :grin:




Hey McKlutzy:

I wasn't attacking Johnnies skills and or workmanship,If you read my original post I stated
that I didn't care to pay that amount for a "rope gun" Lastly your elected Pres. birth name was
Barry FYI,who's the un-informed party,here? :yakyak:

:confused: ....wow..... now i'll give u that on a qwerty keyboard there is .. in this case... a conveniently placed L next to the K, im guessing when u had typed my handle u had "mistakenly" put a L after the K, in your last response,

now this on any normal circumstance, would be judged to be just a simple typing error, but your repeated responses to include nicknames of sort and to that effect were asked about them being a possible insult to them, seems to be suspicious, especially to me....

.. now if u could be so kind as to refer to me as my handle in the correct manner from now on and i will regard this as a typing oversite, like wise perhaps john aswell ... i would much appreciated..

now im not about to get into a great debate about things, things are said, but "nkvd" (im am also curious about your choice of username) but as a low counter poster im guessing that u haven't really read the rules all that much, so as to why u would say about spending monies on something that is not what this forum is about, is defiantly beyond me, but is now apparent.
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We may have a troll here. I know about President George Bush and President-Elect Barack Obama, but who in Hades is Pres. Barry? To those who know, the letters nkvd belong to one of the most reprehensible and vicious organizations the world has ever seen and seems a bizarre choice for a user name on a muzzleloading forum. But then, preferring breechloaders over frontloaders on a dollar for dollar basis on this forum seems out of place too. Oh well, Happy Thanksgiving, Pres. Barry--whoever you are.
And no reply about my hand made toys. :surrender:
I take every opertunity to show off my creations. :grin:

My matchlock pistol.



And mace.



Happy Thanks Giving Gents. :hatsoff:
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Pitchy. We're always pleased to see your unique creations. I think some of us are just a little dazed and confused by one individual's incoherent postings. Anyway, enjoy your turkey today and keep the matchcord lit at both ends! :hatsoff:
I think some of us are just a little dazed and confused by one individual's incoherent postings.

Understand :thumbsup: have a good one bro`s :hatsoff:

To those who know, the letters nkvd belong to one of the most reprehensible and vicious organizations the world has ever seen and seems a bizarre choice for a user name on a muzzleloading forum. But then, preferring breechloaders over frontloaders on a dollar for dollar basis on this forum seems out of place too.

Glad to see other's noticed the name of the organization that was the KGB's predecessor. His responses are why I stopped replying to him since he is obviously baiting people into a flame war.

Pitchy, words are not needed when your pictures say it all. Damn fine work! :applause:

Happy Turkey Day!

Slowmatch Forever!
ahh yes the famous pitch-lock pistol that started it all, and its brother, both sporting last ditch weapons...hehehe :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
mckutzy said:
ahh yes the famous pitch-lock pistol that started it all, and its brother, both sporting last ditch weapons...hehehe :hatsoff: :hatsoff:

Thanks guys, it`s getting about time I get to work on something new and creative. :hmm:
OH man howabout double matchlock.....ok now i know off topic, but cool... a first i would think.... :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
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