Mink Oil

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Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
New England
FWIW I just had the occasion to test some of the mink oil that Mast Blaster gave me (and that TrackOW sells $5 per container) in temps around 12-degrees F. It kept my smoothbore free of fouling and easy to load for up to 6 shots before I'd need to swab just a quick in/out and I do use a durn' tight patch combo for my smoothie load.

Before that, with ALL other lubes I tried that same range time (Ballistol, Moose Milk, and Wonder Lube 1000) even my 2nd shot was rough to load! I use a 0.600" cast roundball over a 0.010" lubed patch, over 70grs FFg Schuetzen powder, in a 0.617" bore.

My accuracy was so good that I came in 2nd place in the Smoothbore accuracy contest, only 10 points behind the highest rifle score, and this with my new-to-me flint smoothie only being 3 weeks in my hands.

FWIW, that mink oil was soooooooooooo slick, that I joked to John, who gave me the small tin, that when I had to go use the Jiffy-John ... I couldn't even 'hold myself' and that I needed to sit down just to go #1 :rotf: ...

Mink Oil as a patch lube for cccccccold weather gets a BIG :thumbsup: from me!
I have used the mink oil that TOTW sells for the last few years during the winter for my smoothbore. I usually spit patch for our woodswalk, but in the winter when it gets too cold I will use this. I have found that borebutter freezes too, and makes it harder to load, but with the mink oil I have not had any problems, no matter how cold it got, and I could shoot our whole woodwalk, 20 shots, without having to swab.
ok guys you have my curiosity maxed out here!!! being rather new and ignorant at the same time, i have been using bore butter. for the most part i am pleased with it, but getting at least a handfull of shots in before swabing or wiping, really interests me!! i have been contemplating using cleensoil as an old friend swears by it, but this mink oil thing sounds pretty easy. is there something special about this mink oil, or will any old mink oil suffice. I think i saw some at the shoe store the other day and now the gears in my head are smokin' from the possiblities. Please let me know what we are really talking about here.



also, while i am asking, whats chances of this being used on my cap and ball 58 remmy as a cylinder lube etc??
I have only used it in my smoothbore, and I never have to swab between shots with any lube I have used, don't know how it would work in a rifle or cap n ball rev. I think I have read that the mink oil you see in the shoe store is different than the mink oil that you can get from TOTW, I think there are other additives in the stuff at the shoe store.
Mink oil will not freeze in extreme cold weather. You can waterproof leather with it also. It can be used in cap n ball revolvers. In warm weather it's a little runny. The bore butter is hard loading in cold weather, to the point you will often break your ramrod trying to load.