Minnie... PRB heresy

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I guess I've been lucky. My .50-cal. Renegade shoots both conicals and PRBs very accurately. I'm looking for an excuse to buy a .50-cal. Great Plains Rifle, and I can't find one ... other than I really want one. I got lucky and stumbled onto success with PRBs after having shot only conicals for two decades. After reading some have problems with their rifles shooting PRBs, I'm counting my lucky stars.
As Colo. Clyde says, there are at least five good reasons to shoot PRBs. I enjoy shooting them a little more every day I get to the range. And if I decide to head into the field and go after deer once again, it will be PRBs.
I want it to shoot prb cause they are cool hopefully out will at least shoot them at small game velocity cause they are cheap and fun... As for a minie being more than needed for deer yes it probably is however dead is dead and even at 70 grains my rifle shots all over the place.... So since I cast the minie I shoot is fine I sure wouldn't buy them... Way to expensive... For 2 or 3 shots a year at game I'm fine with a bit too much besides if I ever go after something bigger im already set up lol and like was said its a great excuse fora new rifle
Yes it does. You decided again to skip the most pertinent part of his post:

"And it doesn't like prb at all at least not with a charge id feel comfortable shooting deer with."

If shooting a patched ball isn't very accurate then it makes it a poor choice no matter what, and not one of choosing a conical solely because he prefers them or feels they perform better on game.
If shooting a patched ball isn't very accurate then it makes it a poor choice no matter what, and not one of choosing a conical solely because he prefers them or feels they perform better on game.

Don't tell that to the smoothbore guys.... :haha:

Look!.. He tried what he tried....but that doesn't mean the gun won't shoot....It simply means that he reached the point at which he decided to stop trying....Some of us are more stubborn...

Your point is moot because he's said he likes round balls and wants a roundball gun, because they are cheap and fun....Two of the reasons I listed........ :wink:
I have a pitted shallow grooved conical 50 cal gun too.....Shoots shotgun patterns with deer loads....I cleaned and polished it loaded it down and tweaked it...Now it will shot the heads off chipmunks....
Possibilities are only limited by things like knowledge, time, and ability.
My point is not moot. In that rifle he has done all he has and not found a suitable PRB load whereas he did find one quite accurate using a Minie and so that's what that barrel, for him, is good for.

Some of us are willing to go to great lengths to find an accurate charge. Some of us aren't as willing or as able, or as you pointed out knowledgeable.

I certainly won't go to any length. At this time I have no care for less energetic powders. That gives me 3 to choose from and with those I'm more interested in 3F as I share this powder between my .50 cal rifle and .44/.45 cal revolvers. But I'd try various patches and lubes. It may well be that I won't find anything better than what I had been getting and if so it will be a REAL shooter. But I would prefer to use a PRB as it does use less lead, figure it's not overkill for our tiny deer, and I find a sphere fascinating as I didn't believe it as capable as it apparently is looking at the sectional density and BC and comparing it to what modern gun writers have been telling us for decades. And it's a bit more challenging.
Im not done trying I just haven't had time to continue and didnt jave time to do more before our muzzleloader season... When it wouldn't shoot any charge 60 grains and up with a combination of 4 patches and 3 lubes but it put minies in one hole I called it good enough but im not done trying
I have a 2 cav ball mold and yards of duck and ticking so im going to see if I can bring it to small game level accuracy when I get some time
Look!.. He tried what he tried....but that doesn't mean the gun won't shoot....It simply means that he reached the point at which he decided to stop trying....Some of us are more stubborn...

Well I'm pretty pig headed and after about 12-15 years and about every way to shoot a PRB I have thought or read of my .36 bobcat will not shoot (best ever group at 30 yds was about 4-5"). So I know what he means. I am now to the point of having it hoyterized to either a .38 or a .40.
I've heard about not but I can imagine going from 8 inch groups to 2 inch groups just because of a slightly different lube... And 2 inch groups are barely good enough when I get such small groups with a minie
I certainly do know much of anything concerning his system but have read it works exceptionally well and is well worth the small fee. But from the few who don't seem to care so much per we have said something along the lines of it not being practical for field use, that's it's more along the lines of match shooting. Outside of small game hunting where you can do a good amount of shooting I'm not sure I follow the logic, but then I'm not familiar with his system of their disdain.
I didn't know there was a Dutch Crowd on the Forume.
Almost all my sales have been o non Forum members.

I appreciate the posit recommendations but they seem to generate no activity.

If you think I am too ugh on the Forum I will try to comment les often.

My problem,perhaps, is that I now am limited to trips to Dialysis and the odd grocery rip with my daughter, so
may be prattling away to fill my time.

Sorry, tone a source of clutter on the Forum

Dutch the Shut in
If I had a gun that would shoot 5"-8" groups at fifty yards, I would check to see that the gun is empty (clear) firmly grab it by the muzzle and wrap it around the nearest tree.
My smooth bores do better than that!
I have read far too much praise for you and your writings. There's no way anyone would want you to post any less.
As I am sure you are aware, the written word alone does not contain expression nor tone, thus is interpreted by the reader in individual ways. This is why books allow us our imagination with a story and are always better than a movie. Also we must be aware that anytime something is written it has the ability to be rebutted. Thus the author must have a certain level of "thick skin". I personally do not wish to see anyone with knowledge and experience hold back as this is how I learn and grow, and form my own opinions. Whether these opinions align with anyone else does not matter, they are mine and someone deciding to attack me for them is a shame on that person, not on me. I do not know, nor will I speak for Clyde in regards to the comment, but please understand that some of us here do need the wisdom of many, including yourself.
I take every moment to read these posts I can. Do not stop please sir.
But it shoots 1/2 inch groups with minies.... Its just the ball it doesnt like lol
Dutch Sir,
Your writings are always valuable and welcome in my books.
And if someone finds fault with your comments and information, may they go straight to H.LL.
You have inspired many to enjoy the black powder scene, and move on to be great black powder shooters, and have won many matches with your guidance.
I think I was not clear. My rifle shoots 1-1 1/4 inch groups but every few shots I get a torn patch and a flyer. It’s still close enough to hunt with.

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