ML round ball bench postal?

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36 Cl.
Sep 22, 2019
Reaction score
Central Iowa
Is there any interest in a ML bench RB postal match for next year? Shoot 50 & 100yd. If so would be more than glad to handle it.
It would perhaps pop the notion that 2" at fifty yards, & 4" at 100, being in any way normal as some FMEs suggest . I have followed and recorded International shooting and the scores rarely approach that with patched round ball . Rudyard
It would perhaps pop the notion that 2" at fifty yards, & 4" at 100, being in any way normal as some FMEs suggest . I have followed and recorded International shooting and the scores rarely approach that with patched round ball . Rudyard

What size groups do you see at 50 yards and 100 yards?
Well your doing well if you can hold the ISU International Black at 100 and there are no 55 yards prone and off hand is always a wobbly art . But the same applies pretty well at 55 but most manage a proportion in the white at the 55 yards standing .the ten ring is about 2" the black being about 7" There is match pressure & a 13 shot inside 30 minets . But there's no Buck fever or make do firing positions . Nice Avatar , Regards Rudyard
The proposed competition is for Bench shooting. I assume it will be conducted using the NMLRA rules, shown below:


Slug Gun/Unlimited Round Ball Bench/Light Round Ball Bench/Squirrel Rifle Bench


5080–BENCHES–A bench rest may be used in all bench rest matches with or without a shooting stool. Benches shall be portable and of a size so as not to interfere with other shooters.

5090–BENCH REST POSITION–The barrel may be rested on the front and the buttstock supported by the shooter for aiming and firing in such a manner that is NOT a so-called “double rest” or “machine rest.” Shooting jackets and gloves are allowed. Bench legs may be sunk into the ground, but shall not have any other form of artificial support.

5100–ALTERNATE BENCH REST SHOOTING POSITION–Any bench rest match may be fired from the offhand, cross sticks, prone, chunk gun, or bench rest position, at the shooter’s option as long as the requirements outlined in rule #5090 are met.
We will use the NMLRA rules. Any weight rifle and any IS permissible. Will use the NMLRA 50 & 100yd targets. Will plan on beginning next Spring, probably April or May. Shooter will submit one 50 and 100yd target, or if they chose to shoot just one of the ranges is fine. We will fine tune things before we start in the Spring if needed. At this time I am just interested in how much interest there is. Take care and have a safe Fall.
Well your doing well if you can hold the ISU International Black at 100 and there are no 55 yards prone and off hand is always a wobbly art . But the same applies pretty well at 55 but most manage a proportion in the white at the 55 yards standing .the ten ring is about 2" the black being about 7" There is match pressure & a 13 shot inside 30 minets . But there's no Buck fever or make do firing positions . Nice Avatar , Regards Rudyard

Genuine, frontier gibberish. So what group size do you see in International shooting at 50 and 100 yds from the bench?
Frontier Gibberish? Genuine at least . The conditions in MLAIC are not bench NLMRA ones. I cant see where your frontier bit comes in
My reference to the hunting comparison is just that , The first is more controlled. I mention it only to point out the hunting conditions are not as predictable . Rudyard
You stated the proposed bench rest competition will “pop the notion” of 2” 50 yd groups and 4” 100 yd groups, based on your observations of International shooting. You’ve been asked twice now regarding the group sizes you have observed and in both cases you have responded with non-sequitors. Just answer the question.
I would be interested just for the fun of it with no great expectations on my ability. The one down side for me is the range where I shoot will probably be undergoing a rebuild this next year and be closed for a time.
Genuine, frontier gibberish. So what group size do you see in International shooting at 50 and 100 yds from the bench?
Looking at the MLAIC rules, I don't see a Bench competition listed.

If this is true, there is no answer to your question.

They discuss Prone, Standing and kneeling shooting in the "Precision Shooting Events. Competition Details section 4.4. In section 5 they discuss, "Clay Target Shooting Events".

Here's a link to the MLAIC rules. It is a pdf file.
I'll be in for the 50. Can't shoot 100 at my place.
As for blowing notions, just watch or read the scores for the Buffalo (X-stick) and light bench matches at Friendship. Not unusual for the range officer to be called to verify a (seeming) one hole group really has five shots in it. That's why more than one bull is now on many targets.
Let's get through the Christmas holiday and then we can hopefully set up the "how to" and prepare. For many of us we will have to get through the frigid winter season before we can start things. Again, we will keep it simple and for "fun". From this hopefully we can share techniques that we use in getting the most accuracy from our MLs. You all have a most blessed Christmas with family and friends.

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