I am searching for some information from the experts out there in the appearance of modern muzzle loaders and flint lock muzzle loaders for use in film and TV. I plan to be shooting video for visual effects assets soon and my team is wanting to capture the look of weapons from the 17th century. We have been looking into getting our hands on flintlock pistols and rifles but have also been considering just using modern muzzle loaders. My main concern is that the muzzle flash, sparks, and smoke from the modern guns would not match the appearance of those from flintlock guns. I am not worried about the additional flash, sparks, and smoke from the firing mechanism as we will be filming that separately.
Can anyone help explain any differences or similarities between those of modern muzzle loaders vs. those of flintlock muzzle loaders in terms of the muzzle flash, sparks, and smoke? Any information is very much appreciated and please be as detailed as you would like. When finished, I want these effects to be able to match the appearance of flintlock weapons for use in film and TV.