Mold smell.....

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70 Cal.
MLF Supporter
Jul 25, 2007
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OK Guys I'm sure this has been discussed before on here but I just can't seem to master the search feature here.

How can a Guy get mold smell out of leather?

I tried a mixture of vinegar & water.

Then I dried it outside in sunlight for days.

It still smelled.

I caught SHMBO gone one day and washed it in the washer on hand wash cycle with Woolite.

It still smells....

I'm thinking about smoking it some, that would smell better than the mold.

Or would it smell like molded smoke? :doh:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :hatsoff:
Tinker2 said:
smo said:
How can a Guy get mold smell out of leather?

Take it outside and bury it for three days.

William Alexander

I'll give it a try ...soon as it warms up !

The ground here is frozen solid for a few inches.

It's even cold down South now.

I can see how that could work.

Thanks .
Put it in a garbage bag with a 1/2 a bag of charcoal briquettes and seal it up, might take a few days but has always worked for me on some pretty disgusting odors.
I had a cooler that had a terrible musty smell after being stored in a friends basement...I washed it good and it still smelled musty.
I even washed it with

Then I set it in direct sunlight for a week....Problem solved. The sun has wonderful cleansing properties.
It was sun dried for days after the vinegar & water clean as well as the machine washing .

It still smells
Wiping the leather with a 50/50 white vinegar/water solution with some baking soda in it should help with the smell. Allow it to dry inside, naturally, then brush it off and put it in the sun for a few days. Sometimes you have to do this more than once or add more baking soda. When most or all of the smell is gone, use a good leather conditioner.

had a pair of gloves with this problem ... SWMBO recommended the charcoal briquet trick, which i did - -swapped the mold for the smell of paraffin ... the the "duh" hammer contacted my head ... put them back but used real charcoal (i use the 'cowboy' brand - it's made from scraps and offcuts from a furniture mill that uses real hardwood ... no 'starters')

problem solved.

good lick with your project! :)
horner75 said:
:hmm: Give it to a skunk to play with for a week!

:applause: :slap: :rotf:

Have I told you how much I love the smell of fresh mold lately ? :haha:

Shouldn't you be carving on a horn or something..... :idunno: :blah: :blah:
Try frebreeze. I have never used the stuff but is not supposed to eliminate odors?

I tried it , it helped some but..... it still smells.

I got some Coyboy charcoal I’m going to start with it and work my way up to burying it in the dirt if the charcoal doesn’t do it. :thumbsup:
When leather begins to rot and smell bad,, people throw it away.

(it's time to move on)
Unless you have something you can share with morticians,, it's all over but the crying.
I had the same problem with a musty smelling solid style gun case.

What I did was to place a handful of those "scented dryer sheets" in the case and closed it up.

A week more musty smell.

Now my cased rifle smells "spring fresh" :grin:

I now use these dryer sheets in my big gun safe and in all of my plastic bins where I store my leather gun cases.
don't use charcoal briquettes , it will smell of solvent. use 100 per cent wood charcoal.
Captjoel said:
I had the same problem with a musty smelling solid style gun case.

What I did was to place a handful of those "scented dryer sheets" in the case and closed it up.

A week more musty smell.

Now my cased rifle smells "spring fresh" :grin:

I now use these dryer sheets in my big gun safe and in all of my plastic bins where I store my leather gun cases.

Great suggestion. But mine is a hunting bag and don’t think the deer would appreciate the odor. I will try it on my stinking razor strop however! Thanks
rj morrison said:
don't use charcoal briquettes , it will smell of solvent. use 100 per cent wood charcoal.

The Cowboy charcoal is the lump type without starter fluid.

necchi said:
When leather begins to rot and smell bad,, people throw it away.

(it's time to move on)
Unless you have something you can share with morticians,, it's all over but the crying.

If all else fails that’s what will happen.....

Apparently some have had success restoring their items.... Historically speaking :doh:

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