Moving out west

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40 Cal.
May 26, 2015
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Looks like the powers that be have decided my services are required out west, Wainwright, Alberta. Was supposed to leave last year, but the covid stopped that.
anyone on here from near there? Expect to be out there by July, hope to get a decent size enough of a place for my own range. If not, i`ll be looking for somewhere to shoot and whatnot.
When you're down here next winter, maybe we can do some shooting together. 😄

A little Arizona humor, due to the large number of Alberta license plates you see down here during the winter (until the pandemic). :thumb:
My military career essentially started in Wainwright, good a place as any to finish it
When you're down here next winter, maybe we can do some shooting together. 😄

A little Arizona humor, due to the large number of Alberta license plates you see down here during the winter (until the pandemic). :thumb:
That’s one state i`d like to move to. Always had an affinity for hot dry places.
looking forward to moving, thats for sure.
everything is 150 Km from wainwright . one of the best parts is i`ll be able to drive to Senlac and go to Hillfolk. If they are still in business.
Texas, i like hot green places too. And you have salt beaches
When you're down here next winter, maybe we can do some shooting together. 😄

A little Arizona humor, due to the large number of Alberta license plates you see down here during the winter (until the pandemic). :thumb:
Casa Grande area -- It seems that the state has few
When you're down here next winter, maybe we can do some shooting together. 😄

A little Arizona humor, due to the large number of Alberta license plates you see down here during the winter (until the pandemic). :thumb:
Muzzleloader organisations are slim to none in this neck o' the woods (AZ). My son & I were members for 5 - 6 years in the ACWC (Arizona Civil War Council), & it was very enjoyable & educational with many good acquaintances made, but that was focused on re-enactments & living history. BP supplies in the Casa Grande area are virtually non-existent; Phoenix or Tucson metro areas or the internet with the latter being preferred these days. Holding dual citizenship (Canada & U.S.), I DO feel I have the "best of both worlds."
Eggwelder, I trust you are enjoying Wainwright. I lived there for 5 years, running the clinic from 2004 til 2009. There are lots of hunting opportunities there including blackpowder seasons for elk moose and deer. The community is very small but since the Canadian Tire, Timmies, and Walmart stores arrived just before I got posted out of there, it's a much nicer place to live.

I hope you had a great hunting season. Cheers and have a great day.
we like it here, just south of the town of Fabyan. 10 minutes to work. not sure how much longer i`m going to do this stuff, been at it since 1987
cold- i forgot how cold it was out here. spent the last 12 years between newfoundland and Kingston, Ontario. makes winter shooting not very fun
the hot tub that came with the house is seeing a lot of use last couple of weeks

built a 100m range in my yard. the 50 m point is from the deck of the house, and the 100m is off on an angle. the mule deer seem to like the area right in front of the backstop- quite convenient.....