Okay…. First let me mention again we are here to help and we know our products better than anyone.
I’m not sure what trouble you encountered previously, but we have two sales employees who’s job is to answer the phone, take orders and answer questions. They can be reached at 330-551-5844 or email at
[email protected]. Do not call or message myself or Katherine regarding orders or questions about our products. If you call Katherine or me, you might or might not get reach us.
As to the stock, we would have been happy to exchange it for a stock made of sugar maple if you would have just asked. This won’t be possible now since you’ve indented / cracked the stock from unnecessary hardness testing. Again, you can find any answer you might need just by asking. We are on your side.
As to the carvability of the wood, I can assure you it will be fine with reasonable techniques. If you feel uncertain, I invite you to our shop and can help get you started. If you look at some of my work, you should see that I know how to carve.
Finally, probably 95 percent or more of all kit guns produced in maple are red maple. This is the industry standard. We do however have sugar maple at times or on request.
PLEASE, let me know if you have any questions or if we can help.
Oh, don’t forget about considering the iron nitrate stain. I’m pretty sure it will give you the best results.