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1.The NMLRA doesn't control who or what goes on Facebook and just like other aspects of internet many choose it as a way to say things they wouldn't say in person. Don't know about a "inner circle" seems as though some disagreed with you, not sure that makes them a controlling interest in NMLRA but you are entitled to your opinion.

2. You are not required to be a member of a club hosting a territorial, currently not even required to be a member of NMLRA, so not sure what event you were attending that had these rules?

3. The NMLRA was founded 80 years ago as a competitive muzzle loading shooting organization that has since grown to include the history of the firearms and people involved in muzzle loading. We are not nor have we ever been a living history/ reenacting organization. In order to be a competitive shooting org. we need a range, (actually several ranges, primitive ,long range, bench, offhand, skeet , trap, silhouette, youth, chunk , and pistol) this range is located in Friendship, so in order to receive full benefits of membership it is necessary to attend one or more of our many events, which have expanded to include WNS in Phoenix and this year a shoot in Altoona PA. As soon as someone donates property and volunteers to run a NMLRA type shooting event we will be happy to provide what is needed to make it happen.

4. I am very aware that for a multitude of reasons everyone cannot make it to Friendship or even to the local Territorials. I personally was a member for 20 + years before I was able to make it to Friendship, I did not then nor do I now blame the NMLRA for this, they do their part and provide the best event(s) possible, it is my decision as whether or not I can get there.

5. I agree 100% that we need to improve our benefits to our members to make it appeal to those you can't or won't attend our various events. This as stated in previous post is being worked on (change happens exceedingly slow in 80 year old organizations).

6. As I have stated many times we can't be everything to everyone. It appears that you and the NMLRA were not a good fit,Thank-you for giving us a try and God Bless you and yours in the New Year.
Don't know about a "inner circle" seems as though some disagreed with you, not sure that makes them a controlling interest in NMLRA but you are entitled to your opinion.

You would if you were on there. It wasn't myself they attacked.... it was an actual member who was there at the Spring shoot. Its the same folks that are always at Friendship and are "locals". As I said before, the org does not listen or take constructive criticism. :yakyak:
Your post is the usual type we get from the BOD. "Sorry you don't like it...... but ohhh well. Bye.... don't come back." So honestly I guess I can see why it is just dieing out. You have already counted myself and others on here as never coming back to the org. That attitude will chase off more folks than attract, and basically is the same attitude most folks get when they call or post up on social networks.
Folks on here have posted up issues and problems they have had in the past/present. Instead of looking into the problem and trying to resolve the issue, the typical response is "Oh well" Ya'll have some serious issues to resolve. Yes.... we understand all issues can not be resolved..... but an attempt would be nice.

Now, besides this squabble..... I am going to go out with my flinter and do some hunting. Do not take this as a peeing for distance contest or a direct reference to anyone who defends the org. That is not my intentions, also don't count me or anyone out as a future member. Things can change.
So. essentially you're more of a ML hunter who wants to go occasionally to competitive shoots imho. Nothing wrong with that.
The usual issues with the NMLRA are what????
That they're an aging organization with problems retaining members and having new members sign up?
You tried to become more involved by lending a hand or a voice? Can you give specific examples of your actions? Voicing opinions is nice, but actions speak louder than words. Always do.
Outside opinions are never important to most any organization. If you're a member then you can voice your opinion or start to participate actively in association matters according to the association regulations.
There are plenty of possibilities to get involved. But each will require personal involvement which will be associated with costs and time commitments you will have to bear. Since these are volunteer positions, there is no compensation.
Voicing unsolicited opinions on a FB page is not a feasible way to initiate change.
Kentuckywindage said:
forums offer a ton more info and most of them are free :haha:

In hurry, but have to ask, does Claude sponsor shoots around the country and with camping? Not his interest.

Does Claude or other sites offer black powder for sale? Not his interest.

Each place has their own value they bring to the sport.

Claude does what he does and he does it very well,as does the NMLRA.

Why find fault unless you offer more?????????????

Who has more to offer than the NMLRA?

Anyone want to step up with the money and efforts to replace them?

If so, I will send you the annual NMLRA dues to do so. Show me the magazine and facility you have to compare with Friendship.
The usual issues with the NMLRA are what????
That they're an aging organization with problems retaining members and having new members sign up?
You tried to become more involved by lending a hand or a voice? Can you give specific examples of your actions? Voicing opinions is nice, but actions speak louder than words. Always do.
Outside opinions are never important to most any organization. If you're a member then you can voice your opinion or start to participate actively in association matters according to the association regulations.
There are plenty of possibilities to get involved. But each will require personal involvement which will be associated with costs and time commitments you will have to bear. Since these are volunteer positions, there is no compensation.
Voicing unsolicited opinions on a FB page is not a feasible way to initiate change.

Again like stated prior, I was a member for 3 years. Matter of fact it was a family membership so it was me, wife and son. All BP shooters. Opinions and feedback was asked for, given.... but not received very warmly. I usually do not just jump in and start a conversation on most of the sites I am a member of, opinions were asked for and when the general consensus goes against the usual group(Inner-circle to put it nicely) then it starts. They start bashing an individual(again not myself but I was involved in the conversation so I received the updates) I was at one time offered to be a Field Rep since the only 2 locations I could actively lend a hand were in Indiana or Arizona. Again I understand that. Bottom line, my feedback was given to the org when I was an active member. Your usual excuse of non-members don't have an opinion or un-solicited responses are invalid are pointless.

As for Claude and this forum, you are right. He does a great job for the folks here. Does he sell BP? No, so what if someone in another state sells it..... I would have to drive all that way to pick it up and the savings they were offering was what..... maybe 2 bucks off of a can?

We have already had one BOD member comment, hope that a few others might join in. Seems the only way to get their attention is to post up on here.
How many members do you know personally?
Did you become a Field Representative?
And by doing so did you steer new prospective members to the NMLRA? Did you become involved in a local charter club or the territorials?

If there are the three big shoots, that is the place to help out if you can. Yes that is Friendship (June and September) or at the WNS in Arizona. If you can't be there, that is no problem.

I am an NRA member as well. Do I plan to be active in their competitions. No. Do I support their ideals. Yes. Is it worth the $35. For me it is. Did not sign up for their magazines. Not my main interest. There are other things occupying my time.
tecum-tha said:
How many members do you know personally?
Did you become a Field Representative?
And by doing so did you steer new prospective members to the NMLRA? Did you become involved in a local charter club or the territorials?

If there are the three big shoots, that is the place to help out if you can. Yes that is Friendship (June and September) or at the WNS in Arizona. If you can't be there, that is no problem.

I am an NRA member as well. Do I plan to be active in their competitions. No. Do I support their ideals. Yes. Is it worth the $35. For me it is. Did not sign up for their magazines. Not my main interest. There are other things occupying my time.

Number of members I know, right around 20. Covering 4 states including 2 Field Reps.

No I did not become a Field rep(military and had other pressing issues).... but I did get 8 people to sign up(not the ones I already knew).

I did join 2 clubs that were charter clubs. 1 still is and the other is kinda going the way of the ghost.

I understand your stance on the issue, defend what you have. Like I said, these are just things that I have personal knowledge of. Opinions were asked for, that is all. Am I mad at the org? Nope, not even in the slightest. You guys have actually given me a little more positive insight. :hatsoff:
There is no doubt that the NMLRA could do a better job. With a bunch of old white guys that are cranky half the time what do you expect?

I am a member and have been coming to Friendship in June for several years now. I cant wait to come back. I have made several friends and we have a great time.

NMLRA is not perfect, no organization that I belong to is. I enjoy the mag. but that is not why I am a member. The membership cost is a bargain.

When you get a bunch of volunteers that are all trying to do their best and have their own shooting interest, things will not be perfect.

A good portion of the cranky old white guys are not very friendly to new people they don't know. I try to always introduce myself to a new guy shooting on the long range line, I remember my first couple of years.

Above from fleener, said as well as can be said.

I agree completely, the NMLRA and Friendship are not perfect, no organization is, but it sure does beat what is in second place.
Ok, so where are all the constructive ideas and solutions we are waiting for? I did not see any at all.
An aging organization always has problems to recruit new members. Especially if the interest is not "en vogue" with the kids or young people in general.
The best example is traditional archery, where there is a huge interest in lately. Mostly due to "the Hunger Games" movies. Especially young girls. The easy thing with archery: Cost is low, as it costs $130 to outfit a youngster and that includes bow, arrows and protective gear.
The problem with muzzleloaders: It is a sport, that is comparably inexpensive when you have all the equipment. But the functional equipment carries a price tag. Kids outgrow matching equipment fast. Ammunition is non-reusable (mostly, unless you have a bullet trap) and the propellant costs money also. Due to the added danger, the kids always need 100% close supervision while shooting a gun and it can't be shot in most backyards like archery can.
Problem: Good and usable functional equipment for youngster costs around $300-400. That includes a "cheap" gun and necessary stuff to shoot and service it.
The other aspects are the modern guns. They are so dirt cheap, that a traditional firearm is hardly the choice for parents looking for a gun for the kid. At Wal-Mart, you can pick a new one up for around $120 on sale. And that is brand new.
Parents are only getting into this hobby, when they have an interest in it themselves. But kids are simply the most impressionable audience and it will hopefully pay of in the future.
Are you a member of the NMLRA?

If so, what is your membership number?

If you are a member, did you complete the survey if asked?

The OP was about the survey, why your last post about archery, etc?
Yes, I am.
You can PM me your membership number and I will PM you mine if you want.
I did not get the survey. But I like Muzzle Blast, because I see it as what it is. An association news magazine with more or less informative articles. The last few were very good especially the ones with the discussion of lock safety mechanisms.

The OP asked about the survey, but the discussion went offtopic. The above was a comparison between two primitive shooting sports. One that was almost dead in the 1980 and now is growing insanely fast and another which is about to take the downturn and is in need to rise back up.
The comparison is sometimes helpful to see what is important to recruit young people into the sport imho.
There are a few needs:
1.) Affordable adjustable equipment
2.) Places to shoot
3.) Mentorship

Imho 2. and 3. is still there.
1.) Is not really there.
And most starters don't know how to modify a rifle for the use of youngsters.
Wow this is still going strong, maybe it would be fair to compare the NMLRA to a Size 10 BOOT. Will never feet ever show buyers foot, so some just don't buy in to what don't fit their foot.

Same reason someone in NYC would not belong to our Local Arizona Gun Club that has it own range that can be used 24 x 7 x 365 for under 60 BUCKS A YEAR.
WILL I come back to Friendship? Nope :nono: not as long as your mongrel is running loose.Hateful cuss :youcrazy:
The NMLRA has been steadily looseing members for the past 20 years, and members, ex member, and traders who no long go to Friendship or the Western National Shoot have been telling member of the NMLRA BOD why they gave up on the for years.

When I was a NMLRA Field Representative over 10 years ago I was sent a list of former members in Arizona, and asked to contact these people, ask them to rejoin, tell them about the Western Shoot, and if there was no interest to ask why no interest.

All of this information was put on a form, returned to the National Field Representative Coordinator, and the 60 or so percent I contacted, all said similar things. None rejoined, and I am sure many on the list who could not be reached were dead, moved, as the information on them was over 5 years old.

I would bet the Member of the NMLRA BOD get a letter or two with complaints, or ideas about the NMLRA weekly.

I know in past years at the Western Shoot when they have the Saturday night Membership Meeting, the "party line" from the BOD is the same old tune. Were listening NEXT YEAR, or SOON. Next year, and Soon has passed, and noting much has change. With the exception of membership dropping.

Also you got the HARD CORE MEMBER who are in love with the NMLRA, NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, and their answer is if you are not a MEMBER you are part of the problem. Pay your money, and be happy.

We know pennypincher. Nothing new under the sun.
You tried and failed. That's about to sum it up. Obviously your ideas were not shared by the majority of the board members for whatever reason.
Why bother in discussions about something you don't care about? Support whatever organization you want with your pennies, we don't care what happened 10 years ago....
tecum-tha said:
We know pennypincher. Nothing new under the sun.
You tried and failed. That's about to sum it up. Obviously your ideas were not shared by the majority of the board members for whatever reason.
Why bother in discussions about something you don't care about? Support whatever organization you want with your pennies, we don't care what happened 10 years ago....

Your not careing about history show your IGNORANCE, as History is what got us to 2014. I must have done something RIGHT as in 2000 I was NOMINATED FOR NMLRA FIILD REPRESENTATIVE of the YEAR.

BTW tecum-tha what year did you receive a nomination for NMLRA FIILD REPRESENTTIVE of the YEAR????

BTW was it you who dropped the ball on the legacy I started in 99 with the Western Super Raffle & Auction. I was told some boy from Indiana took over the project, and did nothing, so that GREAT Fund raise died.