Muzzleloader Show in Lex Ky Question

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Jul 18, 2012
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Have any of you guys ever been to the Long rifle show? Do vendors have used rifles for sale and if so what are the chances of finding a decent quality .32 flintlock for 600 or 700 dollars or less? I really want one but just can't come up with 1000 for a new one
You're talking about the CLA show (Contemporary Longrifle Association.) I've attended the last three shows. You are likely to see some of the finest rifles in existence. You are less likely to find an inexpensive one, although you might. There will be displays of original pieces and beautiful modern pieces.

The cost is 20$, I think. It's based on a temporary one day membership. Check their web site at:

Down below in "Public events" is a notice about their "Live Auction".

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This show is the Contemporary Longrifle Association membership show and focused primarily on "handmade" items. Show rules specifically prohibit commercially made production type items so it might not be the best place to look for a lower cost rifle.

However it would still be worth going and who knows what might turn up!

I believe that $20.00 temporary membership is good until January, and due to new rules, it is a one time thing now. Next year you would pay $50.00 for a full membership, no choice. The membership, whether temporary or full, does cover you, and your immediate family. There is much grumbling going on over this change, and I am one of the grumblers, but unless the heirarchy makes another change, that's the way it sits now.
Wick and Gary are both right. For me it's well worth the membership. I see some of my best friends, and get to look at some of the finest rifles in the world.

First let me say that I have yet to attend the CLA show but plan to in the future as my family's schedule permits as it is one of the premier show of it's kind. I strongly recommend that you go if you are provided the opertunity. It will be money well spent on the education alone.

That being said if it is a .32 you are looking for specifically, they are one of the rarer calibers you will find in custom ML's. Not unheard of but they don't turn up as often as the larger calibers...especially in longrifles....more so in say a Vincent or Southern pattern.

Custom guns in the $600-700 range don't turn up much at shows of this caliber as that barely covers the parts in a custom gun. Custom guns rarely sell for more than their original asking price and often sell for more if they are attributed to a recognized builder. I recently saw an Allen Martin rifle that he originally sold for about $4500 just 2 years ago sell for over $5500....still under what the gun would command if you were to contract him to build it today.

In your price range you are more likely to luck into a deal at a gun show catering to modern guns where ML's are not the focus and some dealer just wants to unload what he has.

But, by all means, GO to the show!!! You may find a nice Southern Poor Boy in .32 or .36 (maybe even a .25 or .30) made by a relatively unknown maker sans buttplate, entry thimble, muzzlecap and other superfluous hardware that might be in your price range. These generally sell for less as the maker didn't lay out much in parts and didn't incur the labor of inlet them.

GO and Enjoy the Show, J.D. :thumbsup:
The southern mountain or poor boy style is what I'm really intrested in. I just struggled to swing 1100 busk for a squirrel rifle
a plain rifle with steel hardware no brass I would like the butt plate. the parts kit i want would cost about 600 from any of the major build houses about 1100 if they finished the rifle. i was just hoping i could pick up a nice condition use one

perhaps i would even invest in one of those Pedersoli blue ridge rifles if i could find one i hang out on gun broker but they never seem to turn up