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Sep 23, 2006
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i have been wondering about theses types of guns that have a "reciever" on how are they are constructed. Is the barrel screwed into the Block or is the barrel screwed on to the block ie. a projected part on the block,
like a screw barrel-[url][/url]

-a flint pistol-[url][/url]

and a target rifle-[url][/url]

there is more out ther but thats all i can remember, i may have an up coming project,
im particulary interested in the flints construction,
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On the boxlock guns, there is a "receiver", which contains the pan and the "breechplug", which is hollowed out to form the powder chamber. The pan sits above and a touch hole runs down from the pan to the powder chamber. I have even seen rifles so constructed.

Now, on that wild Barbar Over under double pistol...I will assume that both barrels are screwed to the standing breech, which would contain the powder chambers.
iam familar with box lock systems, no what im refering to is if i made a reciever out of steel or brass and with a steel barrel would i have to have the barrel threded into the reciever, or have a powder chamber and the barrel threded internaly to acept the powder chamber, also the flintlock on the side with one barrel.
You mean like this?

The barrel has a female thread. I guess because it makes the "receiver" end of the barrel easier to load - the end of the chamber is right in front of you, not buried down inside a female threaded hole.
sorry guys, i forgot about this one,

what is the best design to build, im concerned about if the barrel is screwed on a breachblock, the distance the priming is goin to have to burn to get to the powder chamber might have ignition problems, like a fuse effect. should i have a touchhole liner?