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My new Chuck Burrows Knife

Muzzleloading Forum

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I`ve asked Chuck several questions on his sheaths and wasnt sure he`d answer me but I found out he will share his knowkledge freely..Also I found this knife will take a wicked edge and is a joy to carry..Its become my main go to knife..
WOW! That is one nice blade. I love the sheath and belt too. That's one well put together piece.
Rick,that's an exceptional outfit! Maybe leave it at Roy's for a few days so I can take a gander of it? :hmm:....... :haha:
David,not a problem and in return you leave me a get out of jail card or something....
Chuck does exceptional work. You guys should check out the "Wild Goo" collaborations he has done with Tai Goo over the last couple of years.
THAT is one of the biggest problems with being a custom knife maker these days. Folks buy a "user" knife and are afraid to use it. That is how they become collectibles or "safe queens" as we call them :hmm: Do any of you guys who have custom made ML rifles never fire them? I don't know if this problem is unique to the knife biz or not.
ok, he wont ring his own bell,I will ring it for him. Check out jmforge.com (joe Mandt)Not pc, but great looking knives we will all have to get on him to use some of his tallant to start with the pc stuff.Yall help out a florida boy, things are tough down here. :v
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Thanks.I have another knife and sheath being made by Chuck and the wait is killing me..By the way any knife I own is a user not a safe queen..
lol...thanks, man. I have been tempted to try something PC like one of the French trade knives. I'm not quite to the point in my journey where I can do one of the really fancy bowies from the late part of the era like a Searles or Bell bowie, but I'm working on it! I would like to eventually do some Michael Price style knives too but those are even tougher, even of you want to make one of his "field grade" full tang knives. You have to fit the guard and then forge out the tang to it's full width and still have everything fit after it comes out of the fire!!!!!! A great adventure. :grin:
Your the best horn maker and Chuck is the best knifer sheather maker guy..I cry every time i see your guys work,cuase i ain't narey a one....YET!
Sorry about no pics I did a little album clean up and got carried away..Heres the two knives I own made by Chuck Burrows of Wild Rose Trading Co.

