My New Hog Gun

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Jan 15, 2009
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For years i've had a New Englander with the awful plastic stock. Then the rifle was equipped with a new Williams peep sight and a .58 caliber barrel bored by Mr. Hoyt. But my old eyes have a problem seeing front sights. Was prowling in the junk today and found the original short .50 caliber barrel with a front fire sight. Painted the barrel flat black to match the plastic stock.

One calm day i'll sight the rifle in:

As we age it doesn't seem like much of anything works as good as it used to, including our eyes. I've found that taking black electric tape and putting a small hole in it, then sticking it on my shooting glasses helps. It takes some time to figure out the right spot to stick it. The hole needs to be in your normal line of vision when you are shooting.
The best tool I've found to make the hole is a leather punch. A punch with a wheel with different size punches works best. Nails and needles leave the edge of the hole fizzy. Use different size hole depending on light conditions.
I use the black tape too.Placed in the upper left hand corner it works well. I made the hole using a small brass tube from the K&S metals display. Sharpened to a cutting edge. Spun between my fingers and I had a 3/32" hole.