Sorry about the thickness issue.....
My paper is around .00175 and the bullets are .443, finished bullet is .45
Last I knew, Lee is not currently taking orders for custom made sizing dies.
For one rife I need to size to .449 and the other to .448. hopefully my sizing dies will be here in a day or two.
Buffalo arms carries paper, I am told it is .002"
I know for a fact that Buffalo arms paper is a really good paper.
A few weeks ago I checked on the paper from Staples. You can order it online, or have the store order it for you. Don't know what it measures. I have been playing around with parchment paper, brand name "beyond gourmet" It does show some promise as a good bullet wrap paper.
A buddy has had great success with Eaton air mail paper, but it is no longer made and really hard to find.
I did find a box of it on ebay and bought it.
This is a picture of a flat base bullet, you simply dont use as much paper. For hunting you will have to be more careful with the paper that it does not come undone.
This is a picture of my new PP bullet, next to a GG postell and traditional government bullet. Until I get my sizing dies, I am not really able to work up a load to see how it performs.
With a little luck I will be shooting the PPB at Oakridge TN next month and we will see how it works at 200, 300, 600 and 1,000 yards.