This thread brings up some important aspects of longrifle building that many take for granted. Even the most gifted, talented, artist\craftsman working today, had to start somewhere. From the first built rifle through perhaps scores of builds over time, even a novice enthusiast can spot impovements. For most builders these improvements don't just happen overnight. I would bet the farm to say that what we all so much enjoy viewing fine "eye candy" currently presented here from time to time, is the direct result of many years of experience, study, good tools, learned skills, access to original work, mentorship by other learned craftsmen, some natural talent, and above all else, the obsessive desire to spend much of one's time at this. There are not too many of these master craftsmen that are willing to show and share their early work with us. For this I give Fred (Flehto) Lehto a big pat on the back. You show us all just what our possibilities could be!