I think it's a modern replica. Only from the pics you posted. The pattern is Southern Spanish/Moorish type, from the engraving and the stock, grip and barrel shape.
Can you please get some better pics to post from many angles, and use a caliper in the bore for the diameter?
I should inform you that the Moroccan Gunmakers, of varying quality, made these guns, flintlocks, and percussions, to this day, for the Touristas.
It could be 200 years old, or made 20 years ago?
I bought a cool Camel bone and MOP flintlock with a brass barrel that I determined was only a Decorator or Wall Hanger, not safe to fire!
Cool looking piece, real antique or not!
I'm a Matchlock Gun fan. It doesn't rain much in AZ, so I have fun with them!