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Navy Arms Zouave nipples ?

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45 Cal.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
A friend just bought a Zouave 58 Cal rifle It was built in 1969 by Antonio Zoli of Brescia, Italy, and imported into the USA by Navy Arms.
I know that it takes a musket cap for the nipple. I was wondering do they make a proper size nipple that would use a # 11 cap instead of the musket cap?
I've searched but could not find one.
Maybe the other members knows more than I can find out thru my searching.
Track of the Wolf has some nipples that are made to fit Italian rifled muskets that use #11 caps.

I see a # MRS-S 5/16-24 thread nipple and a # MRI-S with a M8 X 1mm metric thread.

The only problem is there are several different sizes of threads used on these rifled muskets.
For instance there is a 5/16-18, 5-16-24, M8 X 1mm and a M8 X 1.25mm and your guns manufacturer doesn't show up on the listings.

Your best bet would be to take the existing nipple to a hardware store and ask them to measure the threads. If they can't do it a auto supply or machine shop can.

It's a good idea to call in your order and tell the folks at Track of the Wolf exactly what you have and what you want.
They've been in this business for a long time so they might know exactly what you need.

Their phone number is 763-633-2500
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My zoli came with both musket and cap nipples.
There is a place in the cap box to screw in the spare.
Frankly I alwys use the no 11 cap nipple
Yeah, mine came with both too. The "spare" was screwed into the wood in a corner of the patch box.
Cainsoutdoors is another good place. I was looking at them yesterday. I have an unusual older ML that has coarse threads and I think it probably was musket originally even though it is 32 cal.
I would have him open the patch box and see if the spare nipple is there. Bought my Zoave in '73 and always figured it was another musket nipple but will have to look. Ditto the Buffalo Hunter from the same time period I recently picked up. Lol, 40 years and I never noticed! Nothing gets by me...........eventually.
To all you folks who actually own a Antonio Zoli Zouave: What size are the threads on the nipple?

Inquiring minds want to know. :)
Google says 5/16 - 24. If somebody really wants I'll check mine when I can get to my gauges, which won't be today.
Did you ever get a chance to check the thread size on the musket nipple? This would really be valuable information to me.
Well, I just took a look. It clicks perfectly into the 24 TPI slot. The width on mine is strictly speaking a little under 5/16, but that's the standard size so go with 5/16.
Maybe the OP sold the gun or is no longer with us and asking Zonie's advice?