Art= Metal work! Casting, etching, engraving......
Art=Wood work! Sculpting, carving, printing....
With out the skills of a welder, pipefitter, machinist, millright, carpenter, fitter, etc an artist is just a puddle of failure waiting to give up.
Grew up with a guy who fore went a full scholarship to one of the best schools in NA to pursue his "art" He makes a killing cause he has the base trades skills to make things happen. Detroit can thank him for thier bronze robo cop and a hundred movies and buildings look cool cause he knows how to stick metal/concrete/wood together.
Also know a far less monied painter who manages not to starve simply because he is an excellent joiner, electrician, etc etc. Minute he has to pay for a skilled trade he is hooped. He can offer finished, ready to hang, lit, pieces where the next guy of equal talent can offer some paint on a canvas.
One more example a fellow who we know that moved to Paris (no not in texas) 10 years ago. He took with him his bench top, rebuilt WWII era SouthBend Lathe, a roll away mechanics tools chest and the fittings for a glass work furnace. He is doing very well. He makes art stuff but his success comes from his ability to turn/fabricate the mounting/display hardware. Modern noveau art stuff but it has been selling for big money to the same people who buy Rembrandts
All these guys are working "artists" but thier ability to continue practicing thier art has everything to do with thier command of the trades. Not thier command of color wheels, art history etc.
Do the world a favor and teach those kids how to solder something, how to make something rust, how to split a log with a wedge and sledge, how to change the sound of a two stroke at idle, how to use a lever..................