For what it's worth I bought my grandson (a big 8 year old) one of the smaller hawks from Panther for a Christmas present. He has the choice of throwing my bigger Stan Winklers or his smaller hawk and he will choose his every time.
His control of the heavier hawk seems to make him nervous as it passes his ear. He has never said anything but he will throw the heavier hawk sidearm.
His target, a slab of cherry, has cuts in it everywhere, as does the stand and everything around it. But he will throw the smaller hawk for hours. It keeps him from in front of the TV and I'm sure will help make him a camping pardner.
His control of the heavier hawk seems to make him nervous as it passes his ear. He has never said anything but he will throw the heavier hawk sidearm.
His target, a slab of cherry, has cuts in it everywhere, as does the stand and everything around it. But he will throw the smaller hawk for hours. It keeps him from in front of the TV and I'm sure will help make him a camping pardner.