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They really do make these decisions difficult.... I even have the wife telling me to go ahead and order the gun now, and collect the stuff to shoot it when the rest of my money comes in....

Yeah, easier said than done. Short barrel, good looking .44 with a big bang, or (slightly) more economical .36 with slightly longer barrel, only with less bang.

Not sure the savings of the .36 will be very substantial. I will not be shooting at events, just in the desert along with my .22's and occassionally the bigger guns. I figure for the price difference, might be good to have a loud bang to accompany my .22's

Oh, but who knows :idunno:
dubshooter said:
I understand the physics that a shorter loading lever will make it more difficult to load than the longer loading lever. But does anyone have both to be able to compare the difference?

I really like the short barrel of the 5.5" .44, but if it's a pain, I may just pay a little more for the 6.5" .36 and meet in the middle.
I have both. They are both Uberti's. The shorter barreled one I bought specicically for carrying in a western style holster, the longer barrelede one is is more for civil war events and I use a flap style holster with it. I also have a conversion cylinder that I swap back and forth between the 2, and the spare cylinders that I have fit either one. The only real differences I have between them is that the longer barreled pistol has less of a so-called kick, which makes it faster to get back on target in my opinion. Also the shorter loading lever if your out shooting for an extended period of time your hand gets sore from packing. I see some guys slip a extendor pipe over the lever for ease and comfort. Both guns are fun to shoot and look exactly the same except for the length of the barrel. Other options in this style of pistols are the Spiller & Burr, and the Rogers & Spencer, and the Whtiney. I myself see not much difference in cleaning the open frame style than the top strap styles. To me it's all part of the experience of Black Powder shooting. If you hate cleaning then any kind of gun is not for you. There isn't any kind of gun that I know of that doesn't need cleaning after use.
Baby steps....

Went out today and picked up some powder and caps. Was going to get some round balls, but they didn't have any .454, just .457's.

I think I've settled on the .44 cal 5.5" barrel Remington model. But not Cabela's is saying 2-4 weeks back order on the display, but when you add it to the cart, says it's 4-6 week back order. Blasts!

Anyways, found out I'll be getting my powder from Sportmans Warehouse because they are much cheaper than Cabela's and have a better display and selection. Once I get the last of my money in (hopefully today), I will be ordering, and then waiting. Then stocking up on caps and powder and ordering some round balls!

Thanks for all the help guys. Let you know when I pick it up and when I finally get to go out and shoot it!
You can also go with a loading stand. Powder Inc and Big Lube make loading stands,you remove the cylinder,load it on the stand and reinstall the cylinder........
One day I will, but for now my money is going towards the needed stuff and powder, caps, and balls.
AlanA said:
Welcome to your new addiction. There is no cure, only treatments.... :thumbsup:
and sometimes it gets worse

I was a happy lady. I have always had a simple black powder revolver. It was fun. I never worried about groups or the right lube or bullets. I just needed a pistol that would shoot holes in stuff at standard household ranges. You know, just self defence.
Then I went and bought a T/C Hawken last summer thinking I might want to go hunting. Well the rifle and pistols musta started to breed, because there are a lot more guns back in the safe than I used to keep. :grin:
Oh trust me, I am very well aware. My safe has been slowly filling. Luckily, I'm mostly into revolvers, and not too many rifles, so I still have plenty of room :thumbsup:

The wife was great. She went to the store and bought me gift cards to buy my gun. By doing that, we get double points from the store to save money on gas purchases. She is so wise. I get a gun and get gas discounts.

This was ordered less than 5 minnutes ago. Hopefully in about 5 weeks, it will be in my hands. I have heard Cabela's estimates on back orders are usually a little longer than what it will take, so wish me luck!

New Gun
Well, after ordering my gun online from Cabelas on 1/23, I was informed a couple days later it was backordered. Told to wait 4 weeks for shipment. After 4 weeks, I was told it would ship on 2/25. On 2/25, I was told it would ship by 2/29. Today, I was told it would ship by 3/29.

I don't think I'm ever going to get this gun. I am very, very frustrated. :cursing:
Cabelas has gotten pretty bad about their inventory, the local store has been out of 1860 Colt army revolvers for weeks, and the guys working the deaprtment have no idea when they will get more. They have been selling out of everything, the display models in the case are hardly handled. If I decide I want an 1860 bad enough, I'm gonna go elsewhere, Dixon's, the BP guys at cabelas know their stuff, but the store manager there will not let them carry enough inventory, when the guns are available.
C&R firearms are just as bad, I'm trading one addiction, ammo is too scarce, and expensive anymore, for another. The reproduction mystery is one that will never be solved.
The bad part is I used gift cards to buy the gun. We went to the grocery store and got the gift cards because you get the "fuel reward" points. So I spent the money at the grocery to buy the gun and in returned saved money on fuel. But now I can't get the gun in, and any cancellation of the order will just giveme cabelas gift cards, and I'm not too happy with them right now anyways. I'm stuck :doh:
dubshooter said:
Well, after ordering my gun online from Cabelas on 1/23, I was informed a couple days later it was backordered. Told to wait 4 weeks for shipment. After 4 weeks, I was told it would ship on 2/25. On 2/25, I was told it would ship by 2/29. Today, I was told it would ship by 3/29.

I don't think I'm ever going to get this gun. I am very, very frustrated. :cursing:

Calm down and exhibit some patience. Happened to a bunch of us same time last year too. They're on the slow boat from Italy. You could always buy your second choice on GunBroker while waiting. :wink:
Cabela's sure can mess with your head. I was checking out the 2 revolvers you linked to. Then I tried another. Before you know it, there was a column to the side with pictures of various Pietta models. At the top it read "You many also like these".

Well, I then saw the .44 model you liked but with a longer barrel, still .44 and had the same sale price of $229.

I looked at others, and by the time I could find the long barreled .44 again the sale price was GONE! It also now had the caption about waiting for up to 8 weeks for it.

A lot of members here have suggested waiting for a good price at Cabela's. I recall one guy said he got a great sale price but it was only up for 3 days. Now it seems like getting a bargain with them depends on which minute you order it!
I know the feeling, having to deal with a particular vendor/store because of gift cards, or store credit. With centerfire pistols, magazines, and ammo being in such short supply, and the trend of those who cannot pass background checks, black powder revolvers are going fast, some models faster than others. They have been out of #10 caps for a while, were out of #11 caps last week, and only had Pyrodex pistol powder.
I use a 45-70 case as a "breaker bar" on my 5" brass frame loading lever. It works great and saves both my hand and the lever.