new life for dried brushs

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62 Cal.
Oct 23, 2004
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ok we have all used a small paint brush for something n then got distracted n forgot about it until the next day--dried brush-- then shrugged n tossed it in the trash. Well I had heard ya can some times save them by soaking in paint thinner for an hour then covering them well with something like cocoabutter , wrapping them in saran wrap for a night or two then recleaning them. I figured what the heck n gave it a try. Well surprised me, both brushs that were weeks old drying came back to life n I used one this evening. Like I said I soaked them in paint thinner for about an hour then greased them up real good with some old cocoa butter I used to use for lube. Well when I got home tonight they were soft n pliable so I cleaned them both with freash thinner n used the one. Never thought it would actualy work, but nting ventured nothing gained. Don't know if it will work on everthing but its worth a try, what ya got to loose. YMHS Birdman
sorry for being so slow to answer DD been busy with health problems n such. Actually it was one of each, they were artists brushs about 3/4 inch wide. But it may work on bigger stuff if ya let them soak longer, i'm guessing. Don't really know if its the soak in the thinner or the greas in the cocoa butter that did the softening but it worked n I'm a happy camper. later friend YMHS Birdman
Thanks for the information. My daughter is currently an art student. Those brushes can, and do get expensive. I'll have to give it a try next time she hands me one that feels like it was dipped in concrete.
Birdmanyou, hope that you are feeling better. hope to see you this voo season, good info on the brushs. But is all the work involved cheaper than a new take care brother.


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