There are quite a few black powder fans up this way, casual shooters, and the band who regularly attend the group meeting. Mareeba have a good following too. Our lads in Townsville have a comp every third Sunday of the month. For rifles, we shoot three targets at various ranges, adopting three shooting positions, offhand, rested on a post or benched as examples - 13 shots at each target, best ten counting. This usually takes the best part of the morning as we chat a bit on arrival, and between setsCheers, are their many muzzle loaders up your way?
To be honest, I've never looked!New here myself. So far, so good! I know we aren't supposed to ask questions in this thread, but, tell me, do your balls spin opposite down there?
Dear Swagman. I've humped the bluey too. Flintlocks' only way to fly' . I've heard of these Breach loaders Fundamentally unsound holes in the back!. Never catch on . I made one on the' turn off 'principle flintlock but it was so fiddly to reload I opted for a proper' gun. I had Relies at Villawood , but we all have problems .I lured one into the Bush he'd never been bush, Me a New Chum showed him another world one I was comfortable in, Not Citys I avoided them . Your in good company on this Forum Ime accross the ditch in NZ Welcome .G'day from Southern Sydney. I have been Muzzle-Loading for 40 years now, mainly flintlocks although I do have a couple of percussion rifles. Just recently I have also caught the black powder cartridge bug and am experimenting with loading 44/40 and 45/70. Looking forward to being a member of this group.
Where in Victoria ? I knew Echuca very well .Welcome from Victoria.
Do you hunt with your flinters?
Thanks Rudyard, good to hear from you. Back in the 1990's I used to come across every Boxing day to attend the Mountain Man Shoot at Waiouru, on the Infantry training camp land, I have many fond memories of those years shooting with my Kiwi "cousins"!!Dear Swagman. I've humped the bluey too. Flintlocks' only way to fly' . I've heard of these Breach loaders Fundamentally unsound holes in the back!. Never catch on . I made one on the' turn off 'principle flintlock but it was so fiddly to reload I opted for a proper' gun. I had Relies at Villawood , but we all have problems .I lured one into the Bush he'd never been bush, Me a New Chum showed him another world one I was comfortable in, Not Citys I avoided them . Your in good company on this Forum Ime accross the ditch in NZ Welcome .
Thanks Pete, sounds like you have a good group up there! Hoping to visit up that way in a year or two so I will be sure to drop into the range.There are quite a few black powder fans up this way, casual shooters, and the band who regularly attend the group meeting. Mareeba have a good following too. Our lads in Townsville have a comp every third Sunday of the month. For rifles, we shoot three targets at various ranges, adopting three shooting positions, offhand, rested on a post or benched as examples - 13 shots at each target, best ten counting. This usually takes the best part of the morning as we chat a bit on arrival, and between sets- sometimes we have a 'show and tell' whereby a member brings along an interesting item. Then, after the long arms, those with pistols of various types shoot another couple of rounds. We are a SSAA range, but do not prescribe to the rules and regulations required of the main muzzle loading body, excepting the safety rules of course. Mind, we do have some members who travel within Queensland, and interstate, for the major meetings and competitions. I don't, as I have enough distractions to keep me busy!
It sounds like you are a good keen man in regard to the holy black.
Cheers, Pete
Only when my horse used to buck.New here myself. So far, so good! I know we aren't supposed to ask questions in this thread, but, tell me, do your balls spin opposite down there?
Dear Swagman .Then we likley met I did the X cross camp R Vous . One year & had been in the Urawera's hunting( & escapeing Xmas fuss. I had no relis here then )I only had my Wheelock rifle so I used that. .Other years Ide go with Nigel & Banjo the Beagle . Who posts as ' Bucks County'' on these posts. Another one I took my old two grouve percussion.' Passing wind saloon' ! Never really 'Primitive' but certainly' rough' .Thanks Rudyard, good to hear from you. Back in the 1990's I used to come across every Boxing day to attend the Mountain Man Shoot at Waiouru, on the Infantry training camp land, I have many fond memories of those years shooting with my Kiwi "cousins"!!
Nah few hours south, towards the SA border.Where in Victoria ? I knew Echuca very well .
Regards Rudyard
G'day Josh, nope, I am from Sydney Australia! I'd better change it to Heathcote NSW as I live on the southern edge of Sydney on the way to Wollongong.Welcome from Québec, Canada.
By the way, it is becoming hard to follow when multiple cities around the world share the same name. Sydney Nova-Scotia (Canada) Sydney Australia... and I believe "your" Sidney is in the Good Ol' USA. Right?
Thanks for the welcome!Welcome from France