Greetings all! Bought that beautiful full-stock tiger maple flintlock advertised on the forum a couple of weeks ago - maker W.P. Rush engraved on the barrel. The stock wood is to die for!
At the outset, let me say I don't believe the seller was aware of these problems. First problem was that the lock would not go into half-cock. Like the 1970s TEAC reel-to-reel decks I refurbish, gelled grease in the lock (CS) innards - and rust on the lock plate - was the problem.
Cleaned. FIXED! (YouTube before & after -
BUT THEN I set to cleaning the rear of the barrel, touch hole (50% obstructed) and the wood of the lock inlet.
UH-OH! Noticed that at the butt of the barrel, the stock has about a
1.5" crack running aft. (Photo). Didn't think that was too much of concern -
UNTIL I began to remove the layer of fouling from the rear of the barrel around the touch hole (photo).
There is a CRACK in the barrel itself - extending down from - and INTO - the touchhole interior. (There is a tool mark - drill bit? - perhaps made when the touch hole was enlarged.(photo)
QUESTION: Is this barrel not in the process of self-destructing? Rather depressed at this point (put yourself in my shoes), heart thumping, I began looking closely at the top of the stock just behind the barrel.
There is a crack in the stock wood behind the top left of the barrel
that has been filled (photo) - and runs right around to the left side of the stock and along the top of the side plate (photo).
SO, GENTLEMEN, the question is, is this a shootable rifle, or a beautiful wall-hanger? WOULD YOU FEEL SAFE FIRING THIS WEAPON? PLEASE WEIGHT-IN with your expertise! THANK YOU! - LongJnSilver - Johnny - [email protected]
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