Doug: As ADK mentions above, lock tuning, especially with the Indian made guns, helps a bunch. And his mention:
"Hits one foot high at 7 yards" - is so typical. Since there are no sights on the barrel, it is a natural tendency to try and align the top of the barrel with the black on the target as you have no other point of reference. This will cause the pistol to shoot very high. It's also un-natural to be pointing the pistol a foot below the black - just to get the ball into the black. LOL
The OP's pistol now having a front sight will now have a point of reference so to say. And if his front sight is tall enough, the pistol may now shoot LOW while aiming at the black. But that's OK. That's what you want. Now, he can slowly file the front sight down to raise the point of impact to where the ball "basically" hits where he points the pistol. Hope this makes sense.