• Friends, our 2nd Amendment rights are always under attack and the NRA has been a constant for decades in helping fight that fight.

    We have partnered with the NRA to offer you a discount on membership and Muzzleloading Forum gets a small percentage too of each membership, so you are supporting both the NRA and us.

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I have a perspective on this. I'm 39 years old. I've been shooting blackpowder since I talked my grandma into ordering me one of the 1851 Navy revolvers from Cabela's when i was around 13. That's 26 years. Now I own probably 30-40 muzzleloaders.

I say that to say this: I found this forum about a year ago and until then I had never even heard of the NMLRA. Never saw a booth or a pamphlet at a gun show, never saw an advertisement that I recall, and never heard of a local shoot or association.

Maybe lack of outreach is an issue?
Did this Forum reach out to you or did you find the Forum.

Please advise, inquiring minds are interested.

Are you a member of the NMLRA, if not, why complain about place you do not pay to be a member?

Seems simple to me, some folks are just happy to complain, even if not a member.
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Did this Forum reach out to you or did you find the Forum.

Please advise.
I found it through Google when I was looking for musket nipples if I recall correctly. If you Google "Musket nipple for Thompson Center", this forum comes up on the first page. I had no intention of finding it because I didn't know it existed at the time. If it hadn't popped up in the results, I still wouldn't be here.

Search engine ranking is an effective form of advertising. Companies spend millions (if not billions) every year on search engine optimization.
I have a perspective on this. I'm 39 years old. I've been shooting blackpowder since I talked my grandma into ordering me one of the 1851 Navy revolvers from Cabela's when i was around 13. That's 26 years. Now I own probably 30-40 muzzleloaders.

I say that to say this: I found this forum about a year ago and until then I had never even heard of the NMLRA. Never saw a booth or a pamphlet at a gun show, never saw an advertisement that I recall, and never heard of a local shoot or association.

Maybe lack of outreach is an issue?
Same here 42, this Thursday, and never heard of NMLRA. I knew about the Friendship shoot, being that I live in Indiana. Found out about NMLRA from this forum.
So why the whining about the NMLRA of which you are not a member?
My intent was to offer some outside perspective on the topic, this isn't an NMLRA-only forum. You're not going to get very good feedback on why new members aren't joining by only asking old members. You need to ask your target demographic, which is people who aren't members but are interested in the sport.

You can't effectively recruit your own membership. That's a retention only approach, and it can't possibly increase your numbers.

Are you a member of the NMLRA, if not, why complain about place you do not pay to be a member?

Seems simple to me, some folks are just happy to complain, even if not a member.
Should I be? I keep hearing about it but noone is telling me what the advantages are. I have no incentive to seek out membership in an organization that I know nothing about.

When I do consider becoming a member of an organization, one of the first things I look at is who the members currently are, and how they represent the organization and execute its mission within the community as a whole. Frankly, and with these comments as an example, some of the members defending it seem to be pretty rude and uninterested in any input or discussion. I've seen plenty of organizations dwindle away because the "old guard" didn't want any new membership and valued no input except their own. I have no interest in contributing membership dues to an organization when the members don't seem like they want to recruit. Would I be valued in, and benefit from, that organization, or would I just be seen as a source of funds for the Good Ol' Boys club?

The VFW, for one, has gone quite a long way down that hole and is trying to reinvent their membership for the survival of the organization.

What is the NMLRA doing to drive membership? What are you doing at this forum to drive membership (other than away)? Sell me on it.
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Should I be? I keep hearing about it but noone is telling me what the advantages are. I have no incentive to seek out membership in an organization that I know nothing about.

Frankly, and with these comments as an example, some of the members defending it seem to be pretty rude and uninterested in any input or discussion. I've seen plenty of organizations dwindle away because the "old guard" didn't want any new membership and valued no input except their own. I have no interest in contributing membership dues to an organization when the members don't seem like they want to recruit. Would I be valued in, and benefit from, that organization, or would I just be seen as a source of funds for the Good Ol' Boys club?

The VFW, for one, has gone quite a long way down that hole and is trying to reinvent their membership for the survival of the organization.

What is the NMLRA doing to drive membership? What are you doing at this forum to drive membership (other than away)? Sell me on it.
"What is the NMLRA doing to drive membership? What are you doing at this forum to drive membership (other than away)? Sell me on it."

If you were a member and read the magazine, you would know what they are doing to increase membership.

Attempting to drive membership on this Forum is not productive, too many naysayers. The OP made a simple post and look where it is at now, and you have contributed to it's nastiness, and you are not even a member.

The NMLRA has it's faults, but no one has stepped forward and created an Org. to replace which is better.
If you were a member and read the magazine, you would know what they are doing to increase membership.
Well I'm not, so I don't. It seems as though they're recruiting membership from the ranks of their own members. Retention is great and all, but it'll never be 100%. Focusing only on retention is a sure way for an organization to die a slow death. I'll say that whatever they're doing wasn't effective to make me aware of their existence in 26 years of muzzleloading.
Attempting to drive membership on this Forum is not productive, too many naysayers. The OP made a simple post and look where it is at now, and you have contributed to it's nastiness, and you are not even a member.
I don't think I've contributed to anything nasty. I think it's a very valid perspective on the OP's pondering why membership is on the decline. Just because I've given feedback that you don't like doesn't mean I'm "contributing to nastiness." If I've been rude or insulting in any way please advise and I'll correct myself, but I stand by my comments and perspective.
The NMLRA has it's faults, but no one has stepped forward and created an Org. to replace which is better.
As a member, why accept the faults? When my rifle misfires, I don't sit around and wait for someone to design a better one. I figure out what's wrong and fix it.
Does anyone know if you, as a member, are able to buy powder at the member office? I thought I read that somewhere?
You can call the office and arrange to pick up powder anytime if you are a member. I'll be down there in April and will probably pick up 10lbs while I'm there. That's one great benefit of membership.
Have only been on this page a short time, but my wife and I have been into ML for 35+ years and belong to 5 BP clubs. We live in the hot bed of ML in far northern Ca. and southern Or. in a few hours of driving about 15+ rendezvous of 150+ shooters and yet the only place we hear about NMLRA is on the various Black Powder pages. Is there a rep of NMRLA in this area ? My wife is currently the president of Louderback. Would a rep like to come and see us at a meeting ? We all know of the benefits of NRA of which a membership in our ML club is a requirement. Many of us would be interested in NMLRA if someone could come and explain to us how they can help us.
Give it a break, for a change. You bashing them is like posting about cleaning between shots and removing a stuck ball, never ending.
Your right, Sorry, I'll keep that in mind. (I'll try).
Nothing has changed all these years, they continue a downward spiral.
I wish I could have been there when they actually had comradery with family and the inclusive values they espouse.
It's just tragic, they have dug their own ditch then wonder how they got there.
They can't see the forest because the trees are blocking the view.
Have only been on this page a short time, but my wife and I have been into ML for 35+ years and belong to 5 BP clubs. We live in the hot bed of ML in far northern Ca. and southern Or. in a few hours of driving about 15+ rendezvous of 150+ shooters and yet the only place we hear about NMLRA is on the various Black Powder pages. Is there a rep of NMRLA in this area ? My wife is currently the president of Louderback. Would a rep like to come and see us at a meeting ? We all know of the benefits of NRA of which a membership in our ML club is a requirement. Many of us would be interested in NMLRA if someone could come and explain to us how they can help us.
I just PM'd you a list of the California Field Reps. If you contact them, maybe someone can arrange to visit your group and explain.
Fast service does not seem to be one of their most important things. After a month give them a call.

Seems they do cards in lots, i.e., when they fell like getting around to it.
A lot of true none profit organizations ( ducks unlimited, national turkey federation, ect.) Only use voluntary workers . That's why things are slow to get sent out, they don't work 40 hours, part time, no pay.
Don’t bash the NRA. They(we) are much more than a magazine and a hat. The NRA are the only ones capable and active in the defense of our Second Amendment. That costs money, and is of extreme importance.
I contribute to NRAILA for that reason,as a benefactor member,

Buzz P.S. seriously thinking of joining NMLRA Just skip going out to lunch a couple of times.
If I lived in Indiana or a neighboring state the being able to pick up powder might be an incentive. Living 800 miles away it isn’t.
Several of the local BP clubs purchase BP and caps in quantity and sell to members at cost from “Travelers Antiques and Trading“ currently at $27 per lb and $6 per tin. But would still be interested if a NMRLA rep would/ could come to a meeting and explain why/how a membership in NMRLA will help an individual/club.
Several of the local BP clubs purchase BP and caps in quantity and sell to members at cost from “Travelers Antiques and Trading“ currently at $27 per lb and $6 per tin. But would still be interested if a NMRLA rep would/ could come to a meeting and explain why/how a membership in NMRLA will help an individual/club.
I will send you a contact via PM. he lives in your state and is a nice guy.

It is in your in box.
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The way things are set up, it looks like the 3-year deal is good for new or renewing members. Paper subscription is $100/3 years, digital is $70/3 years--no special deal for international members, but digital might be an option. I'm guessing the deal will draw more renewals than new members: very few folks will join an organization for more than a year.

Something I'd like to see (and never have) is an explanation of how all the "benefits" of membership are beneficial to members who don't go to Friendship. I can't help but think that would do more to encourage people to join than people chiming in and telling the wonders of the Walter Cline Range, or special deals on membership.