NMLRA Member or NOT

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I don't know where anyone gets the idea that the NMLRA is only interested in Eastern memberships or events. For many years the association has sponsored a Winter Shoot in Arizona, specifically to draw western shooters down to warmer climes at that time of year, and participate in sanctioned shooting events. I know the Board of Directors is looking to the West Coast, and the NW to find an appropriate venue to hold national events. Folks in the NE are complaining that the NMLRA does not pay as much attention to them as they think, either.

Do you realize how difficult it is to satisfy any number of shooters , much less the majority? All with volunteer labor? One of the reasons the Territorial shoots, and the Whole Rendezvous program was started was to help get services out to all shooters across the country. The reason that the Association clamped down on the finances is that some of the " hosts " of certain rendezvous were playing fast and loose with the books. Seed money that came from the Association was not paid back, nor were accounting statement that met IRS standards being turned in. The Association was being hit with huge Tax bills and fines over all this, and the Board took action to correct all of it. In doing so, some people got their noses out of shape. Mostly the people who screamed the loudest were the once dipping in to the cash for personal gain.

Later, it was found that certain past officers at the National level were also being pretty free with the Associations money, so reforms have occurred at the home front, too. There are much better systems in place to count and control the spending of money, and the Board is much better informed. As a result, monetary reserves that did not exist 10 years ago have appeared, and are growing slightly each year.

These are all " Growing pains " for all organizations, and the NMLRA did not escape them. I have seen the same thing happen with two local gun clubs here. Once you get much better accounting procedures in place, and set firm standards on what kinds of charges can be made against club accounts, the crooks slither away.

Eric Bye is the editor of Muzzle Blasts, and is a very bright, very dedicated young man. He also is a good shooter, and lives all the way out in Vermont. You can reach him by email or by phone. If you think there is something missing in Muzzle Blasts that you would like to see there, contact him. If you have something to offer by way of an article, write it and send it to him. They pay money for all articles they publish. It won't pay for your kid's college education, but its enough to take the spouse out to dinner at a good restaurant, and have enough money to pay the babysitter, and maybe see a movie.
I'm a member - Nebraska

I respect the NMLRA, though at times I don't always agree with them... However, those folks that started that organization back in the 1930's have stuck with it and along came the rebirth of the muzzle loading sports. I wonder where we would be at today without them?

I'll stay an NMLRA & NRA member, and those are the only two I'll support even if I never get the chance to stand on an NRA range during a sanctioned shoot. I have been to Friendship and I have stood on and taken part at ranges which held NMLRA sanctioned events across this country.

Both the NMLRA and NRA has kept me informed through their monthly publications, and I appreciate that. I would sorely hate to lose either organization. They are both needed more then most folks realize.
I'm a member of the NMLRA. There not pefect, by any means, but I know of nothing in the shooting world that is!

For the record I'm also an NRA Life Member, as is my 17 year old Eagle Scout Son, who I made a NRA Lifer at age 4. They wouldn't send me his Life membership credentials until his fifth birthday!

I'm also a member of the United States Practical Shooting Association as I participate in I.P.S.C. shoots once in a while.

I'm also a member of the International Defensive Pistol Association and compete locally in I.D.P.A. Matches.

Am also a member of four local shooting clubs and a League Chairman for PPC in one of the four.

I'm from the Communist State of New Jersey, where Hi-Cap mags are a NO-NO and the politicians almost banned everything larger than .50 cal, including things as dangerous as a .62 cal smoothbore front-stuffer!

Lock & Load baby, I"m here for the long run!

was going to join but after some research and reading a few dozen back issues of thier magazine i think they are going in the wrong direction for me. like Beaverman i joined the Traditional Muzzleloaders Assosiation.(Missouri)
Not a member - PA. I am not into rondeavous and PC ML stuff at all. I just like to shoot ML rifles and never found that the NMRLA needed me to be a member.
paulvallandigham said:
I don't know where anyone gets the idea that the NMLRA is only interested in Eastern memberships or events. For many years the association has sponsored a Winter Shoot in Arizona, specifically to draw western shooters down to warmer climes at that time of year, and participate in sanctioned shooting events. I know the Board of Directors is looking to the West Coast, and the NW to find an appropriate venue to hold national events. Folks in the NE are complaining that the NMLRA does not pay as much attention to them as they think, either.

Really so as you seem to have the inside track on the Western Shoot, than explain to me why the NMLRA has NEVER SPENT any money with the exception of a ad in muzzle Blast on advertising, PR, or a Media Kit to promote the Western Shoot in the area where the shoot is held.

Also explain to me why the NMLRA BOD allowed Profit from the 2000 WNS to be used to purchase a FROZEN YOGURT Machine that sits in Friendship. Also why has when the WNS was a shoot that produced profits like in 2000. Was not that PROFIT used for SEED MONEY for the NEXT WNS.

paulvallandigham said:
Do you realize how difficult it is to satisfy any number of shooters , much less the majority? All with volunteer labor? One of the reasons the Territorial shoots, and the Whole Rendezvous program was started was to help get services out to all shooters across the country. The reason that the Association clamped down on the finances is that some of the " hosts " of certain rendezvous were playing fast and loose with the books. Seed money that came from the Association was not paid back, nor were accounting statement that met IRS standards being turned in. The Association was being hit with huge Tax bills and fines over all this, and the Board took action to correct all of it. In doing so, some people got their noses out of shape. Mostly the people who screamed the loudest were the once dipping in to the cash for personal gain.

Think the focus of the NMLRA is Friendship..People who go to Friendship get the NMLRA attention IMHO. Other please send your due to support Friendship.

paulvallandigham said:
Later, it was found that certain past officers at the National level were also being pretty free with the Associations money, so reforms have occurred at the home front, too. There are much better systems in place to count and control the spending of money, and the Board is much better informed. As a result, monetary reserves that did not exist 10 years ago have appeared, and are growing slightly each year.

These are all " Growing pains " for all organizations, and the NMLRA did not escape them. I have seen the same thing happen with two local gun clubs here. Once you get much better accounting procedures in place, and set firm standards on what kinds of charges can be made against club accounts, the crooks slither away.

Above is pure :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull:

paulvallandighamEric Bye is the editor of Muzzle Blasts said:
Muzzle Blast is very repetitive, boring, and like a 60’s song that has been played too many times. Muzzle Blast can not get real sports writers to contribute to Muzzle blast as the price paid per work/story/story picture package is a joke.

NMLRA has squandered how much in the last 10 year on EVP's Salaries, and Benefit Packages, and when most member of the NMLRA BOD are ask what did the 3 EVP’s Accomplish when working for the NMLRA. The answer in most cases is silence. :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull:
tg said:
... As a side note I wish well to all who support this org. and find it suits their needs and expectations and will not participate in a pro/con flame war.
Me too.

Somebody, hide the soapboxes.

zonie :)
Happy Birthday Standstall, no I'm not a member, am a NRA member, GOA, 2nd Amend Foundation, CCRKBA member. anyone owning a pistol, rifle or shotgun of any sort should be member of NRA and GOA.
Zonie said:
tg said:
... As a side note I wish well to all who support this org. and find it suits their needs and expectations and will not participate in a pro/con flame war.
Me too.

Somebody, hide the soapboxes.

zonie :)

:blah: :blah: That is what the BRIT said about those SAVAGE Colonists when they revolted in 1775. :blah: :blah:

I didn't realize that a bug was up a petootie until I read your thread. Seems like the original post was a can of worms/trouble from the get-go. I don't like to get involved with that...I'm too busy shooting and cleaning for the :bull: artists :surrender: .

Have a good evening!

:shake: Here we go again.........

Yea I am a annual member and a life member of NYS MLA

OK now pennypincher you come here about every 6 months and ask the same questions.

*Since you have a vendeta with the nmlra why did you leave and not run for office.

*That's not a question but a statement.
