No Hunting Sign

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Here in Colorado they don't need to post as private. It's up to you to know.

Then there's the flip side of the coin where ranchers and farmers post public land.
My favorite was one I saw I think from and movie. Usually the sign would read " Violators will be prosecuted". This one said, "Tresspassers will be violated".
2nd 5.png

This one gets their attention
A few of my favorites:
"No Trespassing. Violators will be shot. Survivors will be shot again".
"No Trespassing. If you can read this, you're in range".
"You would be better off wearing T-bone underwear in grizzly country than being caught behind this sign".
I'll get a picture this year of the sign, a mile into the woods, telling you are WELCOME to hunt on my land. Please respect it and leave nothing behind, or something to that effect.
Got my attention. Made me smile.

Reminds me of that old hippie song, ‘Signs’. I couldn’t imagine strange people wandering around on my land without my specific consent, particularly during hunting season and ‘legally invited’, as they would be because of that sign. The legal liabilities to a landowner for posting a sign like that is mind boggling. That said, I do allow some folks to hunt my land, but certainly not the entire population.
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My favorite sign didn't have to do with hunting, it was aimed at hikers.

Hikers: Please take extra precautions and wear little noisy bells on your clothing to give advanced warning and not surprise the animals.
We also suggest carrying pepper spray in case of any encounter with a bear.
Be vigilant for fresh bear activity and learn to distinguish black bear feces from grizzly bear feces. Black bear feces are smaller and contain lots of berries and squirrel fur, grizzly feces has bells in it and smells like pepper.
"There is nothing here worth dying for"

The below is hanging on all my gates.

$1,000 Reward For The Information of Anyone Caught Trespassing On This Property.

Have a neighbor who really wants it.

From far South Texas:


Armed Riders
Reminds me of that old hippie song, ‘Signs’. I couldn’t imagine strange people wandering around on my land without my specific consent, particularly during hunting season...
Well, Maine is very different than the rest of you. Most of it is privately owned but open to hunting. People have to eat. Its not a bunch of deer ranches leased like Texas. Its not a pile of keep off my land like "some states". We get along. We don't litigate. We don't litter. We go onto adjoining property unless its specifically posted. We don't tear it up with 4X4's. We enjoy going next door to put venison in our freezers, catch native trout, and respect our opportunity to do so. We return to help the guy who owns it put a roof on or split his wood because he had a stroke and can no longer do it himself.
Its the way things should be up here, long before the rest of the U.S. got baked. Its normal up here to go anywhere you are not challenged by a hippie sign.
You should try it. We all get along. I'll never go back to that rest of the country. 2 cents.
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Saw a sign on a rural junkyard gate in SE Texas; This property has shotgun guards 3 nights a week, you choose which nights! (true story) Then there is the story of the watermelon farmer who put a sign on his field gate;
'One of these melons has been poisoned with strychnine, good luck'. A few days later a sign on the farmer's gate said 'Now two of your melons are poisoned, good luck!'
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