Perhaps Utah members can make sense of this.
Trail cameras are not period correct! I'm old school.
I read that also. Wonder who they asked...?"The state’s wildlife department voted to restrict the use of trail cameras for hunting. The decision was made after the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) conducted a survey and found that use of the devices for hunting purposes was opposed by the majority of respondents"
Sounds like Wildlife Dept. listened to the residents.
Unfortunately Audubon is unable to accept requests...Trail cameras are not period correct! I'm old school.
I read that also. Wonder who they asked...?
Trail cameras are not period correct! I'm old school.
Neither is the internet, electricity, automobiles, cell phones,,,,,,,Trail cameras are not period correct! I'm old school.
Kinda takes the hunt out of hunting if someone can buy multiple cameras and decide where and when to be sitting. Pretty much like shooting a package of steaks in the grocery store.