Hello TC,
A very pleasant surprise having you critique my attempt at your North Hampton pouch and your gracious comments. I keep your book close at hand and continually review sections for future work. This Muzzleloader business has really caught my attention and your book has added greatly to that interest. I will be looking forward to your articles and projects in ML magazine and wherever else I can find your work.
I want to thank you for your time and effort in creating “Recreating the 18th Century Hunting Pouch”. It’s a real keeper and will probably become quite dog-eared before long. Your book is another example why Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press is my all-time favorite invention.
A pleasure sir and I’m really looking forward to "Hogrifles and Hob Nails".
P.S. Attended a two day Traditional Muzzleloader shoot this weekend and the North Hampton County hunting pouch met muster in fine style. Received some very nice comments too.
P.P.S. I didn’t realize you are a member of The Muzzleloading Forum. Grand! :thumbsup:
A very pleasant surprise having you critique my attempt at your North Hampton pouch and your gracious comments. I keep your book close at hand and continually review sections for future work. This Muzzleloader business has really caught my attention and your book has added greatly to that interest. I will be looking forward to your articles and projects in ML magazine and wherever else I can find your work.
I want to thank you for your time and effort in creating “Recreating the 18th Century Hunting Pouch”. It’s a real keeper and will probably become quite dog-eared before long. Your book is another example why Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press is my all-time favorite invention.
A pleasure sir and I’m really looking forward to "Hogrifles and Hob Nails".
P.S. Attended a two day Traditional Muzzleloader shoot this weekend and the North Hampton County hunting pouch met muster in fine style. Received some very nice comments too.
P.P.S. I didn’t realize you are a member of The Muzzleloading Forum. Grand! :thumbsup: