Another thing, about round ball hunting is, that you must treat the situation, much like bow hunting. You need to wait for at least an hour before trailing a deer. You do not have the "shock" factor, that a modern rifle has. Pushing game too early with bow and round ball, will end up bad.
A lot of times, there will be very little blood trail. Most of the bleeding, is internal and you must give the animal time. I look for deer, in an instinctive manner, trying to figure where the deer might head. Looking for cover near water, along a game trail, and often down hill. One hundred yards, can seem like a mile, in heavy cover.
A peep sight, is so much better, for hunting than a regular open sight, in my opinion.
You have to "want" to hunt with a traditional muzzle loader, to have success and that means practice and patients.
I always hated to lose a deer, but felt a little better when my father-in-law said to me. Son, you're not the only one on this planet, that has to eat. The critters, have to eat too. It's painful, to wound an animal, I know, but one bad result shouldn't stop you.
Best of luck, in the future.