Ok, thanks for bearing with me. Got plowed out.
I hadn't thought about the front bolt, good call. I looks like I should be ok of course this from a greenhorn. If I consider the thickness of the bolt shaft it may, may just touch the rear lock bolt. Great call on the clearance aspect and the recoil, thought never crossed my mind. I'm in wanting everythng in the tight mode.
Just alittle venting here. When you all said inlet the lock then the barrel, that was a great call, but I had the barrel already inlet really nice. Back to square 1 again. Fought with the lock for about a week to get that inlet, used about a full stick of lipstick to do it. Now had to go back to re-inleting the swamped barrel. Another week. You all have my greatest respect on the patience thing. :bow: I have yet to put a mallet to the chisel, scraping, scraping, scraping, and I still over inlet the lock. :cursing: I'm hoping when I bring the lock plate down it will tighten things up some. The tang bending and inlet is my next step I guess, any other pitfalls I might need to know? I have to cut the tang and I'm not exactly sure what the length should be. Apparently it all depends to a certain extent on your style? The gun is a Berk's County/Lancaster.
Just as an aside, It's a cherry stock and it seems like every inch the grain changes. Is that just me or is that the nature of cherry?
Your humble servant.
P.S. A happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! :thumbsup: