Now I've seen it all

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Going to the range often gives me anxiety about proper etiquette and being respectful to others there (particularly when blasting away with a matchlock), but then I see these stories where it almost seems like there was no one around to raise these people, except someone was clearly around to drop them on their head as a baby.
I try to get the last spot down wind! Lol. I've had a wind shift on me and I completely smoked out a firing line. You could see a bunch of sour faces after the shot.
I am old and at a loss at what a Mandalorian helmet is?
as far as seeing it all Daryl, I was RM at a range in socal for a few years. thought I had seen it all, including women in thongs shooting M60's while being filmed. I took my time shutting that down and didn't make many friends.
the best/worst was a car load of ms13 bangers with SKS's. firing pin on one stuck and the moron turned 180 with it still spraying. range house got shot up and he got a few of his buddies in the legs before i could get ahold of it. glad he turned starboard, the other direction would have involved some innocent family groups.
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Yeah, like that!
After a serious stint of practical pistol competition which is very structured and safe and way too many wacky range encounters outside of competition I am now of the unpopular opinion that most people should not be allowed to have firearms.
I taught concealed pistol classes for 12 years. The scariest students were the ones who believed that they knew what they were doing. They got insulting when you tried to teach them.
Most of the ex-military guys were great but then you would get one like the very unsafe old guy who told me "Unkle Sam taught me to shoot in Korea, just shut up and sign my paper. "
Needles to say, he failed.

The ones who thought they knew what they were doing would show up to our USPSA pistol matches and get humbled fast. Very few would come back a second time. those that did come back usually got hooked. Very few law enforcement typs were any good. The LEO's that were good were VERY GOOD. One safety violation at a USPSA match and instant disqualification. Stop NOW and go home. I got swept by the clerk at the last two gun stores I went into. I would have DQ both those fools so fast they wouldn't have even known what happened. MY DMV Buddy swept me with his patrol rifle last year showing off his new roof rack... people just don't get it and think these things are toys... The chief of Police at a gun club I used to compete at in Westfield MA let a young kid shoot a machine pistol at their machine gun shoot . Naturally it got away from the kid and he blew his head off. People are stupid. is what it is.
The ones who thought they knew what they were doing would show up to our USPSA pistol matches and get humbled fast. Very few would come back a second time. those that did come back usually got hooked. Very few law enforcement typs were any good. The LEO's that were good were VERY GOOD. One safety violation at a USPSA match and instant disqualification. Stop NOW and go home. I got swept by the clerk at the last two gun stores I went into. I would have DQ both those fools so fast they wouldn't have even known what happened. MY DMV Buddy swept me with his patrol rifle last year showing off his new roof rack... people just don't get it and think these things are toys... The chief of Police at a gun club I used to compete at in Westfield MA let a young kid shoot a machine pistol at their machine gun shoot . Naturally it got away from the kid and he blew his head off. People are stupid. is what it is.
Ad Clark used to be chief of police in Kalispell. He made sure every one of his officers could shoot.
But, what was the safety violation????

On Sunday I went fishing. It was snowing hard. As I was fishing, a woman pulled in her truck, let her dog out for a bit, then stripped down buck nekkid. A rather good looking woman. She went into the lake and took a bath about 20 yards away. Nudity and skinny dipping both being legal in Montana, I watched in appreciation of her dedication to staying clean. Among other things.
The fact I am old was brought home, as knowing how cold the water is year round in that lake, and the snow was coming down hard, I was thinking, "Dang that looks cold!"
friction creates heat!
Like 40 yrs. ago , I was at a sportsman's club range for some m/l target practice. A guy showed up with a couple teen age kids , and a WW2 , 45 ACP cal. full auto Grease Gun. The adult put up a target at 25 yds. He shot in semi auto mode first from a bench rest , then off hand . He hit the target paper from the bench in semi auto mode , but off hand using full auto, his bullet strikes were all over the 25 ft. high dirt backstop. Each of the people with him , got to fire the full auto machine gun with the same results as the adult had , all over the high dirt backstop. I , to this day , have no idea what that display of wasted ammo represented.
The last time I witnessed Windsor county sheriffs dept qualifying day one of the Deputys swept me with a shotgun while I was chatting with the Sherrif. His boss didn't even notice .. One of the deputy's was shooting the 7yrd target with a shotgun and a branch got shot off of a tree at least 15ft in the air above the berm... 7 yrd silhouette target was unscathed.... I don't know how you even do that. teaching a class one time and the vice president of the club had a sig with a laser dot sight. 7yrd IPSC target the laser would be in center of mass . By the time he was done jerking and flinching the rounds were hitting the dirt 5 ft in front of the target... Like I said many times. most people should not have these things... he was a good trap shooter but just take that pistol away from him. NO. you are not allowed... stick to your $5.000 trap gun. speaking of which one of the trap shooters had an AD in the dirt 3ft in front of us on station 2. No biggie. they carry extra shells just in case. IPSC match he would have been DQ'ed instantly...
But, what was the safety violation????

On Sunday I went fishing. It was snowing hard. As I was fishing, a woman pulled in her truck, let her dog out for a bit, then stripped down buck nekkid. A rather good looking woman. She went into the lake and took a bath about 20 yards away. Nudity and skinny dipping both being legal in Montana, I watched in appreciation of her dedication to staying clean. Among other things.
The fact I am old was brought home, as knowing how cold the water is year round in that lake, and the snow was coming down hard, I was thinking, "Dang that looks cold!"
So you didnt turn your back to her and yell "my Jeans back pocket is there for phone numbers" ?
The last time I witnessed Windsor county sheriffs dept qualifying day one of the Deputys swept me with a shotgun while I was chatting with the Sherrif. His boss didn't even notice .. One of the deputy's was shooting the 7yrd target with a shotgun and a branch got shot off of a tree at least 15ft in the air above the berm... 7 yrd silhouette target was unscathed.... I don't know how you even do that. teaching a class one time and the vice president of the club had a sig with a laser dot sight. 7yrd IPSC target the laser would be in center of mass . By the time he was done jerking and flinching the rounds were hitting the dirt 5 ft in front of the target... Like I said many times. most people should not have these things... he was a good trap shooter but just take that pistol away from him. NO. you are not allowed... stick to your $5.000 trap gun. speaking of which one of the trap shooters had an AD in the dirt 3ft in front of us on station 2. No biggie. they carry extra shells just in case. IPSC match he would have been DQ'ed instantly...
I used to let law enforcement shoot on my range, but no more. Too many incidents of unsafe gun handling.
my favorite muzzeloader AR interaction at the rage. 50yrd pistol range 6" steel plates the chains have been all shot up by the assault rifle crowd so the plates hang from broken open links and a hit knocks the plate off so you have to go set it up again. I had a paper target set up and shooting my .50 cal trapper pistol . I also had a few plates in my lane. the yahoos show up with ARs and start banging away at the steel plates. Steel plates look scared but they are not getting hit. I know its bad etiquette to shoot cross lanes but I could not contain myself and had to knock the plate over with my pistol.. His buddy went WOH! What is that ? some kind of musket?

one time same range I always lock the gate behind me so if you don't know the combo you can't get in. The gate was open so I drive in and lock it behind me. Some kid was all dressed up in a Gillie suit with a bolt gun playing sniper. When he went to leave he was locked in and didn't know the combination. obviously not a member. I let him out but never saw him again...
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I belonged to a muzzleloader club about 40 years ago. We shot every Sunday during the summer. One Sunday during a shoot a couple of us were on the line, rifles loaded and capped aiming for the 50 yard targets. All of a sudden I hear a blood curling scream and lowered my rifle in time to see 4-5 kid’s running across the range at the 25 yard line. These kids were raised right and knew better but still got a well deserved a$$ whooping from both parents.

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