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I used to work at a gun store/ range here in the Houston area. I would police the range sometimes. Saw some pretty goofy stuff.

One time we had a guy rent a handgun and blast away on the firing line. When he was done, he proceeded to walk out of the range with this loaded handgun. He pointed it at the wall on the other side of the shop, exclaimed "So I'm from California and...", before he could finish his sentence he fired a round off in the shop where we all had no hearing protection. The round came within inches of another guy that worked there's head. Guns were drawn and the guy was removed from the property.

For the longest time, that gun store had a sign with an arrow pointing at that bullet hole on the wall. It read, don't be an idiot.

Not trying to pass shade on someone from California by the way. That is just genuinely what the guy said before nearly killing my co-worker.
Back to the theme of thread.
One rondevous i attended there was a guy with American indian theme/costume. Wearing just moccasins and a breech cloth. Later found out he was a founding member and in following years wore more clothing.
Your in QLD, everyday is a sunny day…..except this weekend😁 but there are still plenty of other days to watch pretty girls with sparse clothing.

SE QLD where I live has had 4 floods in 2 1/2 years and no shortage of rainfall, as for watching "pretty girls with sparse clothing" thats only on the beaches and trust me most of them arent "pretty".

Meanwhile in the north American Bear country.....
SE QLD where I live has had 4 floods in 2 1/2 years and no shortage of rainfall, as for watching "pretty girls with sparse clothing" thats only on the beaches and trust me most of them arent "pretty".

Meanwhile in the north American Bear country.....

Not much BP shooting done this weekend, hope you managed to stay high and dry. NE suburb for me, done the flood thing a while back 10 weeks apart, first at 7’ and the second at 8’
But, what was the safety violation????

On Sunday I went fishing. It was snowing hard. As I was fishing, a woman pulled in her truck, let her dog out for a bit, then stripped down buck nekkid. A rather good looking woman. She went into the lake and took a bath about 20 yards away. Nudity and skinny dipping both being legal in Montana, I watched in appreciation of her dedication to staying clean. Among other things.
The fact I am old was brought home, as knowing how cold the water is year round in that lake, and the snow was coming down hard, I was thinking, "Dang that looks cold!"
DID you get any pictures,would have to looked at that lake,river,pond,woman and woman.I like to stay clean.haha.
Not much BP shooting done this weekend, hope you managed to stay high and dry. NE suburb for me, done the flood thing a while back 10 weeks apart, first at 7’ and the second at 8’

Well met then, do you use the Belmont or Ripley Range ?
I'm about 30 minutes from the Ripley range, also use the west Ipswich indoor pistol range.
Can you describe what sort of thongs, because I am old, confused and live in Aus. One is against range standards in relation to open toed footwear, the other is just plain distracting and nowhere to hang your earmuffs from.
I seem to have missed this question. or maybe not. anyway the thong in my post definitely had nothing to do with feet, other than all feet were pointed in her direction. If i remember she was one of Snap On tools playmates. they were prevalent at the gun show in Pomona CA.
A range I went to in California years ago the guy would have been slammed by the range officer. He would never do that again. I guess things have changed. You stepped behind the yellow line or suffered.

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