Every man must govern himself.....during the "Pandemic " I took a long hiatus from the shooting sports after having been very heavily involved in Handgun matches, mostly with DA revolvers requiring me to shoot 1-2000 rounds of .38 or .45 ACP through my moonclipped match revolvers to stay any kind of proficient on top of reloading with dummy rounds at home.
It became all-consuming, kind of like some people here, where most of my free time was dominated by finding ammo, obsessing over ammo, training and basically living at the Range. Then things got super expensive and I took a break. I just now looked at the box full of match rigs and gear I used to use , now sitting neglected in my basement but I'm glad I had those years where my skills with a moonclipped Ruger Redhawk were almost kinda noteworthy among maybe 20 people at Regional handgun matches
When I find myself even starting to get back into that mindset , where I'm getting too into finding components......I take a step back and find something else to do for a little while. It's ok to continue to support the 2A but also take a month or two to focus on something else. Coming back to it fresh after a break increases my enjoyment of shooting these old guns even more.