Original German Jäger?! Need Help!

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The book on jaeger rifles, and its translation, are:
Steinschloss-Jägerbűchsen, Erhard Wolf ©2006, hardcover, in case.
Flintlock Jaeger Rifles, Translated by ©2006 Spiral Bound

Please, please do not destroy this fine piece by turning it into percussion.

It's already a percussion and appears to have been since it was built. I only hope he doses not destroy it by "restoring" or modifying it.
I am unsure about Germany , but some countries have limits on ,and permits required for, the number and type of firearms one can own , this is one reason that so many European suppository firearms have the ability to interchange barrels and bolts . Some countries consider a non firing antique as one of these limited firearms , so rebuilding a relic rifle , which is already permitted, may be a cheaper way of getting a shootable firearm . What do you say German Jager ?
I have this book ! I destroy nothing ! I see that the lock ist in the white there are no spring not bolt hole for it or others the pistonholder selfmade it fits not in the touchhole so all was a try of some man to make a new rifle out of an flintlock also the stock was newer the barrel. Yesterday we take out the schwanzschraube to clean the barrel and take hin to elektrolyse bath. The barrel has polygon style an i hope to clean inside so good as it can go. I think the rife was a try make an old rifle new turn it in percusion because the brass parts also old like the barrel only the stockend cap was lost😞