PA Game Commission to Ruin Flintlock Season?

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What Billybob is shooting doesn’t affect me.
Maybe not. Maybe....
I know this will offend some,,, I don't care, it is purely observational on my part but I know what I see and experience, and all of our opinions are based on what we see and experience....
I've never encountered someone with a traditional muzzleloader, certainly not one of the more well thought out factory recreations or custom/semi-custom muzzleloaders, that I could follow through the woods by tracking their litter or that had total disregard for other hunters and their space. I can not say that for guys with modern inlines or modern dedicated slug shotguns.

The modern folks have their time. There is no reason why the traditionalists shouldn't have ours too.
Nope, I don't agree at all. I'll quit hunting if I have to wear that junk. Same as all the other things the government mandates to keep me "safe". It's that
just curious, do you ware your seat belt? do you trust everyone running around in the woods with a gun? i dont trust anyone but me with a gun. just seems odd that we have to be told to protect ourselves. if you read most states hunting accident reports ,most shooting involve people not wearing orange and dressed up like they are on duck dynasty i truly hate orange but would not go hunting with out it.
Heard a rumor at a gun show today that the PA Game Comm. is considering allowing IN-LINES into the PA Flintlock special hunting season!! Can this be true?? What would be the point of a special Flint season then?? In-lines ain't even FLINTS! They're nothing more than watered-down modern rifles!

I heard a rumor that you that you do not follow the local, county and state rules while hunting and have sent them your IP address.
just curious, do you ware your seat belt? do you trust everyone running around in the woods with a gun? i dont trust anyone but me with a gun. just seems odd that we have to be told to protect ourselves. if you read most states hunting accident reports ,most shooting involve people not wearing orange and dressed up like they are on duck dynasty i truly hate orange but would not go hunting with out it.
Yep, I wear a seat belt because I want to, not because the authorities tell me I have to. Same with a life jacket in a boat. No one says I have to wear the life jacket but it's my choice, just like a motorcycle helmet where I live. Like I mentioned, wear whatever you want but leave me alone. If I get shot it's my problem and the jerk that did it will just have to live with it.
In the great state of Michigan you now can use whatever legal rifle you like in the lower peninsula during muzzle loader season. The upper where I’m at it is only muzzle loaders.
as far as the orange goes, it should be mandated thru all seasons. but it isn't, so you will find me wearing orange in all seasons. i either wear my camo orange vest or camo orange coat with a camo orange hat. i use UV Killer and Sports Wash (no scent, no UV) on my hunting clothes, except boxers!!! i have been using this for about 20 years and an earth scent gel (i take a drop on my camo orange hat when i am sitting). deer can see ultraviolet light and blue wavelengths that humans don't see. UV Killer and Sports Wash eliminates odors, UV and the brighteners that most clothes have.

i am all in for an early season for flintlocks.