PA Game Commission to Ruin Flintlock Season?

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I will not hunt without hunter orange when others are in the woods hunting with long range weapons .

You must remember by law you with a weapon in your hand you are the responsible party to know what you are pointing at ,and beyond( legally stated as assault with a deadly weapon weather fired or not, merely pointing a loaded weapon at a person is aggravated assault)
26yr law enforcement 6yrs US Army Military police. I have learned it is better to prevent a tragic event then clean one up !

you cannot trust others to know what you are, But you can be dam sure what you are point a weapon at YOU ARE THE ONLY Safety

No bullet ,ball or arrow can be called back. safety on finger outside the trigger guard till you want to kill .
Explain the part that says,"unless engaged in lawful hunting or trapping"? I thought you wore orange everytime you hunt?
Well, you have to quote the entire sentence:
"...unless engaged in lawful hunting
or trapping that does not require the use of orange."

Not all hunting\trapping requires FO to be worn. Archery season it's not required. Flintlock season it's not required. Trapping no FO is required. Coyote hunting outside of any big game FO required.
Well, you have to quote the entire sentence:
"...unless engaged in lawful hunting
or trapping that does not require the use of orange."

Not all hunting\trapping requires FO to be worn. Archery season it's not required. Flintlock season it's not required. Trapping no FO is required. Coyote hunting outside of any big game FO required.
I've never worn either camoflage or orange stuff & years ago I was a Govt Deer Culler ,We did wear Puttees the idea was to stop river gravel getting in your boot tops but they where a pain in the rectum as they tended to unravel half way across a slip. Not one of them wore any but there regular shorts , 'Swanies' & rubber ankle boots with holes in to let the water in & out . your feet looked white & wrinkled at night but hasn't seemed to affect me 50 years or so later '.Swanies' where a NZ made wooly shirts 'Swan Dries ' is all we wore above the waist .
Recollecting Rudyard
As a hunter Safety instructor in Mt. for 57 years, I don't want to disagree with you, but that one thing probably saved more lives for hunters in my state then any other regulation. We (instructors) even plead with bird hunters to wear hunter's orange, even tho it's not required. The life you save is your own.
As a hunter Safety instructor in Mt. for 57 years, I don't want to disagree with you, but that one thing probably saved more lives for hunters in my state then any other regulation. We (instructors) even plead with bird hunters to wear hunter's orange, even tho it's not required. The life you save is your own.
I personally hate hunter orange but I also know in this day and time it is needed if one goes into the woods during hunting season. We had a young boy shoot a man out of a tree stand thinking he was a bear? I can only imagine the sorrow of the mans family and the boys? I believe hunter orange could have prevented this terrible accident?
A bit of history on the "hunter orange". Fort Devens ,Mass, 1959/60. Our Army unit was selected to participate in a test of which color was most visable in all light conditions. Each color was tested by soldiers wearing large panels of the color being placed in every conceivable locatiin in the woods around Ft Devens. Blaze Orange was the winner in every test. Winter testing was a long day standing in your location for 4 to 6 hrs a day.
Food for thought…..I once hunted with a guy who was color blind. We were talking and I said something to the effect of “you see that guy about 200yds away in the FO?” He replied “I don’t see FO. I see a yellow patch.”
Explain the part that says,"unless engaged in lawful hunting or trapping"? I thought you wore orange everytime you hunt?
Its referring to hikers and bikers and horse back riders. Yes like you said when hunting you need to where what's required for your weapon or season.
Its referring to hikers and bikers and horse back riders. Yes like you said when hunting you need to where what's required for your weapon or season.
If you’re walking in game lands, you’re hiking.

  • Fluorescent orange
    From November 15–December 15, non-hunters must wear at least 250 square inches of fluorescent orange on their head, chest, and back. This includes Sundays, unless they are using a shooting range. While not required outside of this period, wearing orange is recommended.
If you’re walking in game lands, you’re hiking.

  • Fluorescent orange
    From November 15–December 15, non-hunters must wear at least 250 square inches of fluorescent orange on their head, chest, and back. This includes Sundays, unless they are using a shooting range. While not required outside of this period, wearing orange is recommended.
Okay. That's there. Many, many, states don't require non-hunters to where it.

That's "game lands," do other state properties allow hunting, like state forests or Wildlife Management Areas? Do non-hunters have to wear it there?
Okay. That's there. Many, many, states don't require non-hunters to where it.

That's "game lands," do other state properties allow hunting, like state forests or Wildlife Management Areas? Do non-hunters have to wear it there?
Yes. DCNR properties are for public hunting/use. As for wearing FO for non hunters during big game season I have no idea. If a person is going to walk through a public place where hunting is permitted, it’s best to simply call the agency and ask.
Yes. DCNR properties are for public hunting/use. As for wearing FO for non hunters during big game season I have no idea. If a person is going to walk through a public place where hunting is permitted, it’s best to simply call the agency and ask.
Thank you.

If a person is going to walk through a public place where hunting is permitted, it’s best to simply call the agency and ask.
But they won't. The most common response when I politely suggest to non-hunters I encounter while hunting that it might be a good idea to have at least some orange on, especially a hat, and gloves if appropriate for the temperature (hands move alot and thus get seen easily if bright) is, "but I'm not hunting."
Thank you.

But they won't. The most common response when I politely suggest to non-hunters I encounter while hunting that it might be a good idea to have at least some orange on, especially a hat, and gloves if appropriate for the temperature (hands move alot and thus get seen easily if bright) is, "but I'm not hunting."
You’re dealing with John Q Public. Suprise?
Heard a rumor at a gun show today that the PA Game Comm. is considering allowing IN-LINES into the PA Flintlock special hunting season!! Can this be true?? What would be the point of a special Flint season then?? In-lines ain't even FLINTS! They're nothing more than watered-down modern rifles!
Getting ready to go to pa towards end of flintlock. Havent heard that. I like the traditional season. Wish ohio had flintlock ony season. Pa has a long gun season they can use inlines in. I did hear that Sunday restrictions may go away next year. Ohio did away with no hunting on sundays years ago. It makes the state more $. Its hard for a working people with families who can only go on Saturday. My son has to take vacation to hunt pa. Usually a thurs, fri, sat. F,sat , sun would be better