paper cartridges revolver

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Ok ya got my attention. I'll pick some up in the morning. Weather is supposed to be pretty bad tomorrow so it will be a good day to make some up. So these things burn up compleatly right? May sound stupid but are there any particular brand of tea that works best or are they all pretty much the same?
Just whatever's cheap. I haven't made a lot of them but the ones I did make burned completely. There was an article awhile back in the SASS chronicle on it is how I found out about it. The cap is supposed to blow through them but I haven't tried it that way yet.
I'll make up a few today and see what happens. If the cap will in fact blow through the bag paper reliably that will help in keeping dampness out of the powder.
Ok made some up. I didn't put the ball or the wad with the powder. I will add them in the field. Anyway the tea bags look real like they may be the way to go. I got 8 powder "bags" out of each tea bag with no waste. That's 192 charges per box of tea. If they burn compleatly I gotta say your right. It will definatly be the way to go.
Thanks for the idea I'll let ya know how the work in the OA.
Rebel: I'm gonna be real dumb and ask how you make wrappers out of tea bags. make the tea first and dry the bag then empty it? Just cut up the bags and make the tea with a strainer? graybeard
Well I just did it and ya know I had a little problem with takeing the tea and throwing it away. Ok it "ain't no big deal" but my up bringin makes it hard to thow good "food" (tea) away. I actually saved the tea in a plastic bag and have every intention of using it with a tea strainer. So I figure I got the paper from the bags for free. Well at WalMart the 24 family bags go for about $1.75.
I just dumped the tea. Made about 20 rounds before my darling wife caught me. :rotf: Course it's cheap enough to buy my own tea but I had to try it out first ya know. :thumbsup:
Ok, I'm liking this idea of paper cartridges for a revolver. Do any of you have any directions for how to make them or know of a web site I could go to for a tutorial? I would love to try this out.

What I do isn't pc but it works. Take a wooden dowel a little smaller than the ball with one end slightly cupped so the ball sits in it. Run a thin line of Elmers glue across one end of your paper. Wrap the glued end of the paper around the widest part of the ball, then wrap the paper tightly around the dowel and glue the seam together. Pull it off and set it aside to dry while you do another. Once the glue dries fill the cartridge with the desired amount of powder and twist the end and tie it off with a piece of thread. Clip the excess paper off and you have your cartridge. You can add a drop of glue to the tied end to make sure it doesn't come loose. It takes a few tries to get it down pat but it really doesn't take long once you get the hang of it.
OK Let me try to explain the form or mandrel used to make the cartridge. Using a short length of dowel rod, measure from one end 3/4 inch (.75).
Turn or cut the 3/4 inch section down to the caliber you are shooting (.36dia or .44dia). Now for the 36 caliber taper it down to .26 dia, for the 44 taper to .34 dia. This is the form for wrapping the paper on. Why don't you guys just buy the book from Dixie gun works for 5 bucks.
Stump Remover from the garden center is 100% Potassium nitrate. The best paper I have found is 9 Pound "airmail" paper. I soak in solution of 2 Oz. K2NO4 and 1 pint of hot water. Lay flat to dry. Otherwise most of the nitrate is pulled to the bottom edge. I cut the paper to the proper shape for tapered cartridge mandrel and glue the edge with sodium silicate glue. Ball drops in on top of powder charge and a quick twist seals. These enter chamber easier and usually burst when the ball is rammed home, eliminating the need for using a pin to pierce through the nipple.
Ok did a little shootin and testin this afternoon. I screwed up and forgot the wads so I had to shoot single shot in the OA. Anyway I tested Cig paper and tea bag paper. Both shot well and both burnt up compleatly in the chambers. They shot even though I did not prick the papers. They are both about the same price, if you drink the tea the paper is free. The advantage of the cig paper is they are already glued. If you use the tea bag paper put as little glue on the paper as possible it tends to bleed though the paper onto the mandrel.

I really don't see any reason to go through the hastle of nitrating paper. Just use cig or tea bag paper. In fact it worked better than the nitrated papers I used years ago.