Patch Box?

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I don't mean this to sound funny or rude, but basically you can put in your patch box whatever you desire. Practically anything you put in your patch box you can carry in your bag. I personally love the sliding wooden patch box. I think it looks great. In mine on my Narragansett Armes Early Virginia I carry tow and an old style tow worm and ball puller I got at the Revolutionary War reenctment at Camden 20+ years ago. It just seems correct with that rifle whenever I can get out for a mini trek.
I don’t like patch boxes. It’s the only thing about my Chambers smooth rifle I don’t like. There are a couple of round balls, a flint and some tow in mine only because they were in there when I got the gun. I suppose someone thought of this as extra reloads in case you were only able to grab rifle and horn.
I don’t like patch boxes. It’s the only thing about my Chambers smooth rifle I don’t like. There are a couple of round balls, a flint and some tow in mine only because they were in there when I got the gun. I suppose someone thought of this as extra reloads in case you were only able to grab rifle and horn.
To be honest I’m not a big fan of them either. I’m also lefty so some patchboxs’ rest awkwardly on my cheek. I try to get rifles without em
I have it stuffed with lubed patches and ball so it won't rattle. I was thinking that if I ever take a spill crossing the creek at camp. i'll be able to reload even if I lose all the stuff in my pouch. It's happened a few times I'm embarrassed to say, maybe my username should be NimbleFoot instead 🤣

After reading the replies that have tools, I think I'll add a lot more in the event said spill in the drink causes me to lose most of my stuff. tow, worm, puller, turn screw, 1 flint, 1 leather, just a couple patches, and 1 or 2 ball. Kind of an emergency, lost or forgot whatever kit.

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