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Patterns for possibles bag

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40 Cal.
Oct 17, 2004
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I'd like to try my hand at making my own possibles bag out of leather - something relatively simple for my first try. Any suggestions as to where I might find patterns. Looking for a simple single compartment bag about 6 or 8 inches wide and about the same deep.

Thanks in advance.
Good post. I am very interested in this as well as any info on getting started in leather working.

There is a pattern in The Backwoodsman magazine this month with instructions on putting it together. Might want to check that out.
Wayne Zurl has a pattern and step by step instructions in the December issue of Buckskinner...
Wayne Zurl has a pattern and step by step instructions in the December issue of Buckskinner...

The December issue of Buckskinner?

Why, ye might as well tell us the pattern calls fer Yeti skin and Bigfoot hide. That would make it three imaginary critters. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

(Just bustin yer chops . . . have to have something to do WHILE I WAIT FOR MY MAGAZINE!!!) :haha:
Wayne Zurl has a pattern and step by step instructions in the December issue of Buckskinner...

The December issue of Buckskinner?

Why, ye might as well tell us the pattern calls fer Yeti skin and Bigfoot hide. That would make it three imaginary critters. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

(Just bustin yer chops . . . have to have something to do WHILE I WAIT FOR MY MAGAZINE!!!) :haha:

Oh man....I can't believe...I just....you know... :bull:
Be glad I didn't order a flintlock from you. My gunsmith's wife has forced him to join the Amish community, received a restraining order,a doctor's excuse and a note from his mother to keep me from calling her husband every hour on the hour.

Is it done yet?
Is it done yet?
Is it done yet?
How about now?
Is it done yet?
Is it done yet?
Is it done now?
Is it done yet?
I said a year.
Has it been a year yet?
How about now?
Is it done yet?
Which is different from the way you treat me HOW????

Good GRIEF, stumpy! I put Stumpy's Moose Snot right up in the front of the magazine, too!!! You're going to feel SOOOOOOOOOOO bad when you see your name in lights, buddy-boy.

PS: Wayne does some really nice work, and is more than thourough in his instructions.

Thought that maybe I should get this back on topic... :blah:
[/quote] ye might as well tell us the pattern calls fer Yeti skin and Bigfoot hide. That would make it three imaginary critters. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

(Just bustin yer chops . . . have to have something to do WHILE I WAIT FOR MY MAGAZINE!!!) :haha: [/quote]

Actually, it's unicorn hide, you clown
Ok, for an easy question. How/where can I get this magazine... even if it might take a few months to a year to get to me. ;)
Ok, for an easy question. How/where can I get this magazine... even if it might take a few months to a year to get to me. ;)

LOL....you've been hanging around this bunch WAY too long!

Besides, we sit around waiting for custom guns for up to a year...quality takes time, my friends!

February and subsequent issues will be on time, though...lol....

December is avaialble TODAY, in fact, and we ordered plenty of extras this time due to the AWESOME response that we have gotten. You can order through the[url] buckskinnermagazine.com[/url] website, or call in your order.

Wayne's pattern is folded up on page 26, and he has a great spread of his bags in there, too.
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Clock? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Here's the free calender that came with my subscription, if that's any indication.


(Hey, this is fun. Good thing StumblinBufller is a amiable cuss. :haha:)
The calender is as good as your image posting capabilities?

All I see is "Image Hosted by Tripod". :youcrazy:

I am VERY new here, in fact this is my first post, but I just had to let you know that the SHINING recommendation that Stumpkiller gave for your publication prompted me to immediately go subscribe online. I look forward to my first issue!

This seems to be a great forum and I look forward to learning from all the old-timers on here!

Sorry if this reply is off topic...

Good think about this type of magazine... the material won't go out of date no matter when you eventually get it. :crackup:

Stumpkiller started all this....
(Hey, this is fun. Good thing StumblinBufller is a amiable cuss. :haha:)

Watch me get un-amiable with you shortly, Stumpy....see if I ever publish your Moose Snot recipes again!!!

We ought to quit fooling around in here, guys, or Claude is going to smack us around...

Wayne Zurl, page 26 (just to keep the topic going...lol)