Dear Cypress Wolf
hope the word margarine is correct, in Italy is a vegetal grease that seems butter and you can use instead butter for cooking food. So you put a bit of margarine in a little pan, then put this little one into a bigger one half full of warm water, on a burner at half flame.
Then you put a old newspaper on a wood board and prepare patches divided in three queues on the paper.
When the margarine became liquid pick a patch and immerse one second, then put this patch on a new one and cover with a new one; when finished, you have a lot of “sandwiches” made by a “margarized” patch between two dry ones.
Put a second newspaper on the “sandwiches” and pass for some minutes a warm flat-iron or put the same pan containing water, so that the margarine greases all three patches.
Now you are ready for use the patches or to keep them in a plastic bag for some months.
Margarine is cheap and contains vegetal greases that easily dissolves the burned part of BP, so that is easy to press down the round ball, and clean barrel.
Hope is all clear, otherwise ask again
For BP hunting in Italy I don’t know so much because I don’t go hunting, for sure BP Hunters are few people and most of them are fowlers.
That’s all
Have nice smoky shoots