Pedersoli Queen Ann .50 cal. Brass Barrel

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Jun 17, 2019
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Just bought a Pedersoli Queen Ann flint pistol in .50 smoothbore in exc. cond. from a friend who is bailing out of the Pirating enacting business.
It has the older Brass Barrel; the current Dixie catalog lists them as polished steel/German silver. Current price is $575.(!) for the finished gun. Kit
is $435. I paid $100 even and couldn't turn it down. It has the face casting on the butt and cannon-type rings on the barrel. I figure I can use it
for Trade material or cash sale at at show. Sometimes real bargains come your way, anyone else have a story about something they couldn't turn
down? (Barrel is proofed, so it's a 'live shooter; Pedersoli recommends 30 gr. FFFg, .490 RB, .15 patch.)
Is it rifled? I thought they were all smoothbore. Just wondering since the load recommendation.
You sure done good on the price! Mike Bellevue's youtube video on those is pretty entertaining.
My “best deal” came to me back in 1994. My buddy Bear was getting ready to move cross-country. I’d loaned him $50 and he wanted to pay me back before he left, but he was broke, so he gave me a rifle he’d picked up and had never used, threw in a couple tins of caps and a bag of balls. I was a dedicated flintlock shooter at the time, so that poor Lyman Great Plains .50 languished in my closet for about a year. I wasn’t going to sully my hunting with any caplock! 🤣 Then I got a call from Steve, who said “you know how you said if I ever sell my musket, you want it?” Well, I was just finishing college and between jobs, so I didn’t have any money. Asked him why he was selling, and he said “I never use it, and I found this thing called Rendezvous. It’s mountain man stuff, so I need a percussion gun.” I thought I would offer the Lyman as a down payment on his Pedersoli carbine, but when I said “I have a .50 Hawken,” he said “I’ll trade you!”
I tried to tell him it was an unequal trade, that his was worth more than mine, but he said it wasn’t worth anything sitting in his closet. I told him I’d throw in the caps and balls. He said he was throwing in 100 balls and a bag of flints. We swapped, and I felt so bad that I gave him a ride to work for a couple of months.

Which is how I turned $50 into a Pedersoli Brown Bess carbine that got used for almost all of my reenacting for 20 years, carried hunting for a decade, and used as my Rendezvous gun for my first several camps. The funny part is that after I got into Rendezvous with OVPR, I ended up buying a secondhand caplock Investarms Bridger in .45, and she’s killed every deer I’ve ever killed on purpose. 🤣
yone else have a story about something they couldn't turn down?
I traded a blunderbuss I just finished building for a 1929 Buick coupe.


With a little work I had her running and had driven her over a thousand miles in the first week. Haggarty insured it sight unseen for 20k.


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