I have a question about flintlocks and this lock on this rifle. I do not have much experience with flintlocks -I mean very very little. But is it realistic to think this will ignite as fast as a percussion cap? I have this gun in kit form that isn't done. I got it 4 or 5 months ago. Since then I got a T/C Renegade flintlock that was in great shape but had an older lock. I couldn't hit anything with it free hand because of the slight delay. But off the bench it was accurate. I was using 3f Goex for the charge and prime. It was accurate when shot from the bench. I read a lot of stuff that flintlocks can be just as fast as percussion. And read the sticky above. I don't know anyone that shots a flintlock locally. My buddies give me a hard time for buying a gun with a rock tied to the hammer. But is this how flintlocks are? I don't want to continue building this if they are. I guess I could swap it out for a percussion lock. All the other "hassles" of a flintlock aren't a negative to me. But I have to hit what I am aiming at. :grin: