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hanshi said:
I spray my hunting clothes with the mixture, let them dry and am safe for the next three years.
If your concentrate is just permethrin, it is said to last 6 weeks or 6 washings, whichever comes first. Why do you think yours lasts 3 years?

I know permethrin can be bonded to clothing so that it lasts a lot longer, 70 washings, but that is the commercial process. Is that available as a concentrate OTC, is that what you have?

Yes, Doxycycline, and only 100 mg. Everything I am reading says too weak a dose and too short a time.

I have contacted the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS), and am awaiting a referral to a "Lyme Literate" Doctor in my area.

The more I read about Lyme...this stuff is devious, and will destroy you if it is not killed.

I'm glad that you are being your own advocate...
Doxycycline is an outdated treatment IMO...

Just remember, If you don't like the answers or treatment your doctor gives you......Find another doctor, most doctors have no or little experience with lyme's.

I wish you the best....
Sorry to hear that. Lymes is bad news. Fortunately it is not common, except for you. :(
I use the spray can stuff on my outdoor clothes. But, when I had cattle I still got many ticks. Pulled thousands off myself over the years. I hate ticks. :cursing:
George said:
hanshi said:
I spray my hunting clothes with the mixture, let them dry and am safe for the next three years.
If your concentrate is just permethrin, it is said to last 6 weeks or 6 washings, whichever comes first. Why do you think yours lasts 3 years?

I know permethrin can be bonded to clothing so that it lasts a lot longer, 70 washings, but that is the commercial process. Is that available as a concentrate OTC, is that what you have?


Hansi, did you see this?

Wow! Best of luck!

I picked up my first tick a couple of years ago, after many of camping and reenacting. Sitting on a rock in a local park.

ER started me on antibiotics, PCP confirmed and continued. Turns out that he's got Lyme, he's an avid hiker and camper.

Funny!....I was told 3 washings or 30 days...is all that it was effective for....
I think that came straight from military testing, but don't quote me on that.......

IRRC, Permethrin bonds to fabric when it dries and is resistant to washing off....but, it will also break down in sunlight..... :idunno:
From Sawyer:

"For use on clothing, tents, and other gear, Sawyer Permethrin not only repels insects, they actually kill ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, mites, and more than 55 other kinds of insects. The naturally occurring version breaks down rather quickly in sunlight but Sawyer’s pharmaceutical grade, synthetic Permethrin can last 6 weeks or 6 washings on clothing and other fabrics, making it a fantastic odorless barrier of protection from mosquitoes and ticks."

This is .5%. the same I use as a homemade mix.

I'm hoping Hanshi will educate us on the type which he says lasts 3 years.

I'd say I was pretty close....However the important thing to remember it that efficacy also degrades with time...

So if it starts out at 90% effective.....in 30n days it may only be ?% effective....
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colorado clyde said:
However the important thing to remember it that efficacy also degrades with time...
No, the important thing to remember is that in my experience it is 100% effective when used as directed. All bets are off for those who can't manage that.

So I've just recently returned from a spring bear trip in Idaho. Yes we picked a few ticks off during the week. Dont recall being bitten by one, at least I never had to pull one from my skin. Fast forward to 7days ago and I start with all the classic symptoms of Lyme. Flu symptoms extreme fatigue unexplained muscle crapping and soreness night sweats. The doctor ran some tests for other things but not Lymes.I told him about my tick encounters and he suggested I go on a week of doxycyline. If thats not enough or the right drug what is? Just so I can be better armed. The doctor worked in Michigan and is aware of the disease. North Idaho per the CDC is not classic Lymes disease country. Any more info about this would be much appreciated. If this is not the right venue than anyone can send me a PM with their thoughts on the latest and greatest treatment options. Nervous out west!
Lyme disease is not found in the West, and cases that are diagnosed in the West have usually been "imported" from Eastern states. The West has a different type of tick.

Might be Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, hence the Doxycycline.

Some 20 years ago, I read a report in either The Smithsonian or Scientific American on insecticides and repellents. They tested several, including Permethrin. At that time, P was not a repellent, although it may now have that component added.

Anyway, the test subject exposed himself to mosquitoes with various preparations. Some worked better than others, but Permethrin killed them. It killed all mosquitoes within a certain space within a short time. But the mosquitoes had to land on the treated cloth. In fact, the test subject observed a mosquito that died and fell down on the ground. An ant tried to eat the mosquito and died too.

I sprayed it on my cuffs and boots once at an archery shoot. When I untied my boots at night, I found a black widow spider that had made it maybe one or two inches up my boot. So I'm a believer.

My archery buddy has one of those electronic mosquito repellers and it works extremely well.
George said:
colorado clyde said:
However the important thing to remember it that efficacy also degrades with time...
No, the important thing to remember is that in my experience it is 100% effective when used as directed. All bets are off for those who can't manage that.

I am a tick magnet. When I was using 7% DEET I routinely got ticks, I once got 80 ticks (yes eighty) in 10 days of fishing. I virtually never came home in warm weather without a few ticks. A year ago I got Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Very, very sick. Although the doctor said that research shows that it is almost impossible to get RMSF after having it the first time (he stopped short of saying you develop immunity), I started using permethrin on my clothes following the directions exactly as far as application, and 25% DEET on my skin.

I retreat my clothes after 2 week or every other wash. Day before yesterday I came home from fishing, I had 5 dead ticks on my pants, no ticks on me. Since I started treating my clothes and all my cloth gear I find dead ticks on my clothes or pack but I have not had a single tick on my skin.

I also treat my driver's seat and the cargo area of my truck with Permethrin in case I bring any in on me or my gear.

Permethrin may not be good for you in itself given its a pretty strong chemical, but getting some of the tick-borne diseases can be a lot worse. Untreated RMSF has a mortality rate of 30%, luckily treated RMSF only has a mortality rate between 1% to 3%, but let me assure you that you don't want to get it AT ALL!
George said:
hanshi said:
I spray my hunting clothes with the mixture, let them dry and am safe for the next three years.
If your concentrate is just permethrin, it is said to last 6 weeks or 6 washings, whichever comes first. Why do you think yours lasts 3 years?

You are assuming he washes his. :surrender:
If he's using the regular permethrin which is available over the counter, whether he washes it or not, it only lasts 6 weeks. What's you point?

What I'd like to know is if there is a longer lasting type available, but that info is hard to come by.
