Pietta 1851 44 navy, wise choice?

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32 Cal.
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Always wanted a revolver but never took the plunge. Has anyone owned one of these? Would this be a wise pick for a first shooter? Any thoughts or comments will go a long way in my choice.
If you get the steel frame, it's a good choice. .44 caliber is not historically correct for this gun. Colt never made an 1851 in .44 caliber. The original caliber is .36 and the "Navy" refers to the .36 caliber and not who used these revolvers.
A lot depends on your intended purpose & preference. I have several Colt & Remington replicas & a Ruger Old Army. The Ruger is certainly not historically correct but would be the one I'd keep if I could only have one. On the other hand, the '51 Navy gets handled more while watching TV because it feels so nice. Get what you like best to start & add to your collection as you go. Kinda like potato chips; you won't be satisfied with one :shocked2: And hanging out here will make you buy more. These guys are a bad influence :nono:
if i had it to do over again, my first one would be the 1860 army steel frame! correct in 44 cal
Thanks Junkman.
It's brass framed. Also thought about 1858 New Army. Cabel's list them in 8 and 5 1/2 barrel lenght, think sight radius would be better on 8 incher, need all the help I can get. Any feedback on buying from them?
just bought the 58 with 5 1/2 bbl its a nice looking gun but the handles are kinda small if you have big hands, but its still fun to go boom
Bad influence, don't worry, I'll tell my financial advisor it is our grand-children's fault, they also want one of everything.
Hey Sundance,
I don't know about a Pietta, but I traded a pocket knife for a never fired Armi San Marco brass frame 1851 Navy in .44 caliber for my son. If the Peitta is anything like the ASM, save up and buy a Uberti. As stated prior, there were no .44cal Navys.
We were shooing 15 and 20grs of FFF and sometimes the action would lock up. There was something in the action that if you just let the hammer down on a nipple (uncapped), it would lock up. You had to fire it to have the cylinder rotate. Just letting the hammer down very easily wouldn't do it. There was a tiny bit of play in the action. I have a Uberti 51 Navy, never had any problems with it at all. Like I said, if the Pietta is anything like an ASM, pass. IMHO, Uberti is the top quality Italian repro.
I would chose either an 1860 Army if you really want a .44 or a 1851 Navy in the historically correct .36 caliber. The 51 Navy is a hard gun to beat for handling and inexpensive shooting. I would want a steel frame gun (for both durability and authenticity) over brass frames especially in the more powerful .44. I haven't heard of anyone who regretted getting a steel frame. Hope you have some good shooting!
Yea, that may be a problem. Would help to handle several but none of the shops around here stock any and only put bp guns on display prior to deer season. Go figure, they sell a ton of the latest wizz bang inlines every year. Don't get me wrong, I used one for years and it served well, but never felt a bond with it.
Guess my age is showing, old style for an old guy!
Just did get one of these from Cabelas and, could not be more pleased!
Yes, it is brass frame so, you will want to hold down your load to 20 grn of fff and, I use cream of wheat over that in order to get the lead ball up to where it should be.
Shoots great but really high as most report. Have to work on that issue. Anyway, for $150 I am absolutely tickled with it. Goes with the Pietta 1860 Army in .36 I got in nickel for, get this, $50! Neither is correct caliber but heck, I am having fun with it. A good one to learn on , in my opinion.
I see where the price at Cabelas just went up a little. Get one while it is still on sale.
You can't go wrong!
1860 .36 cal? Are you sure it's not an 1861? It was a .36 cal. Never heard of an 1860 in .36 cal.
...yup kwilfong, I see another poor soul going down that slippery slope of aquiring more and more BP revolvers! :haha:
Best I can recall, it is a Pietta 1860 Army and, in [incorrect] .36 cal.
What a deal I got, fired just a couple of times. Looked new, $50. This thing is nickel plated and has bling all over it. I was at the right place for once!
I could be wrong, it could be an 1861. Looking at Pietta's manuals, I think it to be the 1860 Army.
Other than the size of the grip. The 1861 and 1860 look the same.

Does Pietta list an 1860 .36 cal? I never saw one for sale anywhere, but would make a great squirrel gun.
I personally find the Remington more user-friendly for a first revolver. There is that "grip thing", though...depends on your paw size. Mine fits me like a glove. The grip on the Remmy is the same LENGTH as the Navy, but the Navy is wider throughout.
If you have big ol' bear paws, Pete's right...you'll probably like the 1860 Army better.
Brass framed guns are fine. Keep loads at 25 grains or less and it will last a long time. I've had good luck with Piettas, strangly, the one revolver that drives me nuts is an Uberti. Now if you want to shoot full house loads then get the steel framed gun. Cabelas is great to deal with, if there is a problem with the gun just send it back and they will send a new one or a refund if you wish.


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